Watson, M. K., & Mitchell, M. A. Risk of Hypercalcemia. At night, keep the enclosure at around 70-75 degrees fahrenheit (21-24 celcius). You are using an out of date browser. This is because vitamin D3 is necessary in order for your bearded dragon to absorb the calcium. Also daily baths 20 minutes at a time will help if the urates are hard. Calcium is nothing to your dragon without Vitamin D3. 6 days RepCal and 1 Day Reptivite or 5 days Repcal and 2 days Reptivite. Too much calcium is bad for bearded dragons where there is an excess of vitamin D3. ; Avoid smoking . Theres a long list of nasty health issues that your bearded dragon can develop if it doesnt get the necessary amount of calcium. When a reptile is exposed to sunlight or UVB, the calcium consumed is used to produce D3 which is used to build strong bones. A typical baby bearded dragon will "urinate" the most at anywhere from 1 to 3 times daily via passing the white part of the poop (urate). He is starting to show his age but, Best way to provide calcium for your bearded dragon. But i noticed after i fed him like 4 minutes later his whole body would twist and for a second he would look like a tilde: :arrow: ~. In comparison, broccoli contains only about 47 mg of calcium, while spinach bears 99 mg of the mineral per 100 grams. Answer (1 of 2): Nothing 'happens' as excess calcium is excreted in the faeces as beardies do not store calcium. The exact content of the bone meal tablets varies with manufacturer. Dehydration can decrease the level of nutrients absorbed. One of the nice things about this product is that its super affordable. Seizure, twitching, lethargy, and turning . Remove hazards from the cage. That why its important to get the best UVB light for your bearded dragon possible (and set it up properly). For tricks of the trade (so to speak) to get your bearded dragon to eat greens see the post on. In addition to the other two reasons a bearded dragon may experience hypercalcemia, having the incorrect temperature in the enclosure can also be a problem. Written by Reptilestime in Bearded Dragon, Lizards. Calcium is critical for bone growth and maintenance as well as muscle function in bearded dragons and without high levels of this nutrient, they are likely to suffer from illnesses such as metabolic bone disease (MBD).. Blackberries and figs are also tasty treats that have plenty of calcium in them as well. Without enough . Dehydration is one of the leading causes of constipation in bearded dragons. Supplementing the diet with calcium alone is of no value unless you provide UVB exposure to your bearded dragon. its just peristalsis that you are seeing. And if it is necessary how mnay times a week do i use it and in one day how many meals do i use it on? Too much phosphorus in the diet removes the calcium from the body. However, one of the most important items in a bearded dragon's diet is calcium. The reason is not clear but there is potential for it to be for a dietary reason including access to minerals. Its entirely possible for you to be giving your bearded dragon too much calcium without realizing it. Here are some of the signs of Hypercalcemia: Excess calcium in the blood causes muscles weakness, so your bearded dragon may look fatigued all the time. Please chat with your veterinarian, doctor, or other qualified practitioners for information and advice on your specific subjects. This guide will teach you the fundamentals of why bearded dragons need calcium, how to provide it to them (with our powder recommendations), the way other factors influence how much they need, and much more! Applied Nutritional Studies with Zoological Reptiles. Cusack, L., Rivera, S., Lock, B., Benboe, D., Brothers, D., & Divers, S. (2017). But what if the light is too close? (2) Beardies need vitamin D3 to use phosphorus and calcium in their bodies to reinforce bone health. B., Van De Wal, M. D., Bosch, G., Stumpel, J. They end up not being able to move around as easily without experiencing pain and stiffness in their body. Just make sure to avoid using rocks as they can overheat and burn your bearded dragons belly without them realizing it. New and longtime owners alike often wonder if they are providing enough calcium for their pets. Divers, S. J., & Mader, D. R. Metabolic Bone Disease in Bearded Dragon 5 Late Stage MBD Symptoms in Bearded Dragons. Too much vitamin D3 in the bearded dragons blood increases the absorption of calcium in the gastrointestinal tract. It could be anything even a neurological problem. If you choose to do this, its best to ensure they are not getting any additional Vitamin A (unless your vet determines your dragon is seriously deficient in Vitamin A). These symptoms alone arent always a sign of hypercalcemia. Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition. What a lot of new owners dont realize is that you can give your bearded dragon too much calcium as well. There are a ton of great food options out there that are very calcium-rich, but there are a few that we like the most. Its not made from anything like oyster shells or other substances that can affect your bearded dragon over time. If you notice any signs of discomfort in your bearded dragon, it could be that they are in pain. Then, simply feed the insects to your bearded dragon. To dust your insects, place them in an airtight container with the calcium powder and shake them thoroughly. Calcium assists in bone development, muscle health, and reproductive health. Nonetheless, it is important to identify the exact factors that contribute to the development of the disease. In research by Oonincx et al (2015) the stomach contents of 10 free ranging (wild) Pogona vitticeps were analysed. When there is not enough calcium in bearded dragon's body, it starts using the calcium from bones! Exo Terra Reptile Calcium with vitamin D3. Combination supplements should be offered three times a week. General weakness, lethargic behavior, and constipation are all common signs that your beardie is absorbing too much calcium. Gravid females (due to their egg laying nature). Your concern regarding the overuse of D3 or any other multivitamins is certainly legitimate. The, Figuring out how to tell if your turtle is dying can be surprisingly tricky. While theyre only insects the process of gut loading is not good for their health. Youll want a mix of each in order to maximize the health of these animals since they get their calcium from a variety in the wild. Since bearded dragons should be getting 12 hours of UVB exposure a day, they dont necessarily need this supplement on a daily basis. It is mainly due to: This low level of calcium in bearded dragons can have serious effects on health. B. G., Heijboer, A. C., van Leeuwen, J. P. T. M., Hendriks, J. P. & Kik, M. (2013). Dusting refers to coating food (both vegetables and insects) with powder supplements before being eaten. Providing too much calcium and vitamin D3 supplements to your bearded dragon can cause hypercalcemia. Depending on their age and size, theyll require a certain amount of veggies, protein, and calcium. Its important to note that each of these should not be used on their own. This is a much similar but more severe disorder to that of osteoporosis in humans. Furthermore, why bearded dragons require calcium powder in the first place, and how it is made. The 7th day use the vitamin and NO Calcium, Thx. Elsevier Health Sciences. Lets go over the causes, signs, and treatment of hypercalcemia in bearded dragons. Proper egg development & good reproductive health in females. ANd i am refraining from the use of calcium for 2 days just in case. Instead, keep it simple. This can cause bone pain and muscle weakness. Find out! The rest should take care of itself! One case where you may want to select a liquid supplement over a powder would be if your dragon steadily refuses to eat or finish her food. It cant be metabolic bone disease cuz i dust his crickets every meal which is twice a day every day. Outside of the calcium already provided in the foods naturally, you can give your bearded dragon calcium by: Another means to give your bearded dragon calcium is to provide bone meal tablets (small or crushed) or powder (Stahl and Donoghue 2010). Bearded dragons get their name from the scaled and spiked . Sufficient exposure to UVB light, is necessary. Dead bugs? Dubia roaches ate a hole in the egg cartons. If left untreated, calcium overdose will quickly become deadly or, at the very least, result in permanent health defects and even bone issues. Metabolic Bone Disease. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Of course, you can also mix it with water, but there is no guarantee your dragon will consume it all. The Surprising Answer, Do Bearded Dragons Eat Their Shed? As a rule of thumb, a Vitamin D3 supplement can be safely provided about two to three times a week. Sometimes a picky beardie will eat only selective veggies from his feeding dish and avoid the others that may be more nutritive. Some calcium powder thats not ground properly can cause GI issues in your reptile. In the wild, this species heavily uses UVB rays from the sun to fulfill this requirement. It's caused by calcium and vitamin D deficiency, which is often the result of poor diet and inadequate lighting (a lack of UVA and UVB). However, too much of it can impact the beardies health. How much calcium a bearded dragon needs, largely depends on the age of the dragon. A relatively newly recognized and highly malignant cancer is being seen more and more often in captive bearded dragons. Therefore, we may collect a share of sales from the links on this page, at no extra cost to you! Digestive system. While many owners dont have a problem with this, we tend to avoid it because it feels a little cruel. Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium. If your bearded dragon is deficient in calcium, any of the following could be the culprit: Dragons who suffer from metabolic bone disease have trouble doing the simplest of tasks, like walking, because their tissue is deteriorating and their bones are soft and easily breakable. Metabolic bone disease. Hypercalcemia (too much calcium in the body) is rare in bearded dragons, but it can happen, and it can result in illness and death. I started doing that. If your bearded dragon has stopped eating greens or perhaps never started then there are a few tricks you can put in place. If the urates are not bright white and are of a different color then yes it is possible. I like your, I found it interesting when you explained how you'd bond with your pet snake and improve recognition. Vitamin D supports the immune system, development and maintenance of bones, cardiovascular heath, functioning of nerves and muscles, and reproduction. I read online that this may be a symptom of impaction but he poops everyday and it looks healthy. The taste of the water is unpalatable and it will increase bacteria (Stahl and Donoghue 2010). There are a couple of ways to go about this: You probably would have preferred I gave you an outright amount. Oonincx, D.G.A.B., Stevens, Y., Borne J.J.G.C. Youll want to ensure your beardie has a good basking spot and a place to get away and cool down. Calcium supplementation is necessary for egg production . Expert Tip: You might also see other issues arise like seizures and constipation. (Eds.). Of course, the exception would be a dragon who has metabolic bone disease or another condition which would require a more intense supplement regimen. We like to treat these as an occasional snack instead of daily foods. Baby bearded dragons should eat 40% to 60% proteins (from insect prey) and 20-30% vegetation per day. Hypercalcemia will result in your bearded dragon becoming sick and, in some cases, it is fatal. Bearded Dragon Calcium Overdose. [Answered]. Another thing to be wary of is the moisture content. There have been reports of some lumps here and there, so we always like to grind it up a little bit more just to be safe. This is one of the best bearded dragon calcium powders on the market. Yes it is possible to give your bearded dragon too much calcium where there is also an excess of vitamin D3. Remember, nothing beats natural exposure to sunlight even if only for a few hours a week. Beardies are not completely covered in dirt. Proper egg development & good reproductive health in females, Dragons bodies need calcium so much that if the body becomes deficient, it starts pulling calcium from their bones, causing, (MBD). SO is it possible that that like 1 second twitch after every meal (thats the only abnormal thing i see, everything else is fine: he is active, poops daily, alert, and quick) isnt an overdose of d3 because i only had him 1week? Small Animal Clinical Nutrition. Oonincx, D. G. A. Symptoms of calcium overdose in beardies range from lethargic behavior to general weakness, constipation . In: Hand MS, Thatcher CD, Remillard RL, et al, editors. Environmental factors like UVB lighting and heat including amount of exposure to direct sunlight versus artificial UVB. Dragons require high temperature for proper feed digestion so temperature of vivarium should be high enough to proper utilization of feed in intestine (heat lamps orlight generated heat source can be used as if needed) Should be given free access to water to avoid dehydration. This means that when one is rich in the diet, the level of other will be low and vice versa. Aside from aneurysms, here are the other common medical conditions you should be wary of when you are caring for a Bearded Dragon. If possible, consider dusting more docile insects like roaches instead of crickets. An excess of vitamin D3 results in increased bone resorption. Swelling of lower jaw. The Exo Terra calcium liquid offers high absorption, passing the liquid directly into the small intestine. B. Keeping them on a regular feeding schedule can help identify digestion issues. Those ages 4 months and below, should be given calcium daily, while juvenile bearded dragons under one year should be given calcium 5 times a week. Placing the light too close or too far away can lead to some of the issues we mentioned earlier. Scientifically, the reason MBD is so detrimental . Provide exposure to unfiltered sunlight at least a few hours a week, except when brumating of course. If you have questions or would like to give feedback, please email us at[emailprotected]. Bearded dragons dont get calcium dusting in the wild but they are very good at converting UVB radiation (sunlight) into vitamin D3. You can prevent hypercalcemia by feeding your bearded dragon the right amount of calcium. You might see them twitching or acting very skittish (even when the stimulation is mild). I noticed him do this 3 times, once every other day, for the past week that ive had him. This time, muscle calcification . We know tons of owners who swear by this powder, and weve had great success with it as well. The average bearded dragon's lifespan is 8-10 years, but the oldest ever recorded was 18 years old. As previously discussed, there are two ways to provide UVB exposure to your bearded dragon. Small portions occasionally may be okay for a healthy bearded dragon. 11. For one thing, bearded dragons are notoriously picky eaters. Calcium has lots of important roles in a healthy bearded dragon. As such, it is not advisable to provide your bearded dragon with too much vitamin D3 and calcium supplements. That is for you and your vet to determine. Hypercalcemia is brought about by calcium overdose. Hypervitaminosis A is a nutritional disorder, an overload of vitamin A, which in reptiles can be iatrogenically induced by injection of vitamin A to reptiles suspected of having hypovitaminosis A. 100% Satisfaction All Winter! Thats because its just not possible to recreate an exact replica of a dragons natural habitat, although you can come close. Check your lighting and heating setup against the post on setting up lighting and heating. You probably wont be a Dragon Keeper for very long without hearing how vital calcium is for bearded dragons' health and wellbeing. For most species, 0.1% calcium appears adequate for a maintenance diet. Vitamin D. Why it matters: Vitamin D is a fat-soluble . In the right environment, bearded dragons can move in and out of the UVB light as they need it. in Beardie health, Beardie info, Caresheet. Adding calcium-rich foods and providing fewer supplements is also possible, but more challenging to measure the amount of calcium your dragon is getting. Used as a relative umbrella term for a wide array of nutritional deficiencies, Metabolic Bone Disease is actually a very common disease associated with domesticated bearded dragons. Unfortunately, MBD is one of the most frequent illnesses in domestic bearded dragons, although it is completely avoidable with correct nutrition and care. Foods high in phosphorus should generally be avoided. In this case, a liquid may offer you more control over the calcium and Vitamin D3 intake. This is a powder that we recommend giving a little extra love before using it. And if left unchecked, all of these health complications can lead to death. Bearded dragon calcium powder is quite straightforward and easy to use. Pet dragons primarily get Vitamin D3 through proper UVB lighting in their tank as well as exposure to natural sunlight (this means exposure to natural sunlight outside, not necessarily through a window; its actually dangerous to keep your. Hypercalcemia in bearded dragons is a medical condition in which the calcium level in the bearded dragon's blood is above the normal limit. An 1/8 of a teaspoon or a pinch might be useful, but here is the thing, calcium supplements can only be effective in the right conditions. Just be sure to avoid giving them calcium-rich foods along with that calcium. multiple hours per week), oral D3 supplementation should be reduced or not fed at all. That is for you and your vet to determine. If you wish, you could also add in a secondary calcium supplement to your dragons feeding schedule, but it isnt necessarily something you have to do. lol i feel like i ask so many questions on this site but i just love it here! Setting up the lighting and heating well provides a solid foundation to build a healthy bearded dragon from. If things get worse, this will likely swing the other way. This can be done by sprinkling powder on the insects (like mealworms, crickets, fruit flies) and veggies or just mixing them by placing in plastic bag and shaking gently to get these insects and vegetables coated more evenly. The worth thing you can do is overcompensate and fix a problem that didnt exist in the first place! You may find that your dragon isnt moving around as much as it used to and/or climbing around a lot less. Expert Note: Its worth pointing out that even though these symptoms can present with a deficiency in calcium too, its going to be pretty obvious what the cause is.If youre actively trying to give your bearded dragon more calcium, its probably an overdose. Dust insects, they are naturally low in calcium. Donoghue, S. ARAV (2015) Companion Reptile Care Series. This symptom isnt always easy to notice and can be very subtle. Also daily baths 20 minutes at a time will help if the urates are hard. This condition is more pronounced in baby dragons as need more amount of calcium to build their developing and growing skeleton. And it worked. Although this does provide Vitamin D3, its not quite the same as free range exposure to the Australian desert sun. Bearded Dragon Accessories and Enriching Life, 7 Tips to get Bearded Dragon to Eat Vegetables [& Refusal]. The best way to give your dragon calcium is by dusting their food with calcium powder 3-5 times per week. Baby bearded dragons require a smaller, more frequent diet due to their high metabolism. Diehl, J. J. E., Baines, F. M., Heijboer, A. C., van Leeuwen, J. P., Kik, M., Hendriks, W. H., & Oonincx, D. G. A. Yes, feeding your bearded dragon calcium is part of the current recommended good husbandry practices and it will contribute to the prevention of hypocalcemia. Tail Rot. See the post on setting up lighting and heating for more information. Obtain a significant portion of your dietary intake of calcium from plant-based foods. Foods dusted with too much calcium will probably be refused. They may also tire easily and need to rest more often than usual. More: Best antibiotics for bearded dragons! Keep an eye on the calcium-to-phosphorus ratio in fruits and veggies. How Often Should You Take Your Bearded Dragon Out Of Its Cage? Combination supplements. You dont want to feed your dragon foods that have a very high phosphorus content compared to the calcium content, as this will deplete your dragons calcium supply. Many bearded dragons end up with preventable diseases through lack of understanding the basics of calcium and D3 supplementation. Manyexperienced Dragon Keepers will recommend providing your beardie with a multivitamin in addition to calcium and Vitamin D3 supplements. Add vitamin D3 for bearded dragons into the mix and it might start to sound a little confusing. The gradient should go from 80 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit on the cool side, up to a basking temperature of around 95 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit. If you have a proper UVB light the dragon will actually create and regulate it's own D3, and yes D3 poisoning can be very bad. growing, gravid, The amount of calcium that sticks to the food, Ineffective or absent gut loading of insects, Amount of phosphorus o Level of anti-nutrients that can bind calcium (oxalates) or decrease absorption (phytic acid), Keep diets low in phosphorus and calcium binding oxalates and phytates. Bearded dragons dont poop too often, to begin with, but as their owner, youre likely aware of how often your beardie defecates on a regular basis. Its mentioned on care sheets, forums, and in pet stores all the time. When there is too much calcium in the blood, the cells tend to lose water excessively, resulting in dehydration. [sentience and science], 5 Ways to Tame a Bearded Dragon [& how to stop biting], Is my Bearded Dragon Fat or Skinny? Stahl, S., and Donoghue, S. Nutrition of Reptiles. Alternatively, you can buy a UV meter to the UVB output of the lamp. Of course, the exception would be a dragon who has metabolic bone disease or another condition which would require a more intense supplement regimen. 1-3 Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning that it dissolves in fats and oils, and is a major part of commercially prepared diets. In this case, a liquid may offer you more control over the calcium and Vitamin D3 intake. If you notice any of the following symptoms and are worried your bearded dragon has recently consumed too much calcium, get them to a qualified, reputable reptile veterinarian immediately. (2010) Effects of vitamin D3 supplementation and UVb exposure on the growth and plasma concentration of vitamin D3 metabolites in juvenile bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps). Its also important to note that weakness can be a sign of the enclosure being too hot or too cold. Of those which were given blood tests, 57% showed a deviation in the calcium-phosphorus ratio and 63% showed hypocalcaemia. Zoo Med is a fantastic company that has been providing high-quality products to the reptile community for quite a while. The UVB tube length for your bearded dragon house should not cover the entire length of the house. Is It Good For Them? Two, follow the recommended dosage provided by the supplement manufacturer. Vitamin D3 given as a supplement orally is not as effective as it is from giving access to sunlight without any barriers between the UVB and the bearded dragon. Vitamin D3 is required for calcium absorption and metabolism. What bearded dragon food is high in calcium? Kale is high in calcium and it can be beneficial to the overall balanced diet of the bearded dragon. Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium. Your dragons beard should normally be flat. Veterinary Clinics: Exotic Animal Practice. The urate is proper color, and not hard, it seems healthy. Most often, symptoms associated with weak and soft limbs indicate a low calcium and or/vitamin D3 in your bearded dragon's body. Bearded Dragons skin naturally produces vitamin D when exposed to UVB. Make sure that what you feed them doesnt contain more calcium than they need. Metabolic bone disease (also known as nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism or fibrous osteodystrophy) refers to a group of painful skeletal illnesses caused by a calcium deficiency in the body. Should not be used on their own how vital calcium is for you to be for a reason. Far away can lead to some of the issues we mentioned earlier vitamin D is fantastic. D3 supplement can be beneficial to the UVB light as they can overheat and burn your bearded calcium. Overdose in beardies range from lethargic behavior to general weakness, lethargic behavior, and reproductive health in.! Concern regarding the overuse of D3 or any other multivitamins is certainly legitimate wont a! 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