The main focus of it all was some sort of extremely strange hole in the center of the main room. You age gracefully, said the green man with a touch of surprise. My only desire is peace. . "It's official, you're taking a week off at the office and I'm assigning Allegra to cover for me throughout the week," Marinette says, flopping on to the bed. The revelation that time travel alone was real, would have . So what if he did not speak German? Although now he could understand from personal experience why they said 'War is hell.'. Okay shes 11. Which of course meant my future self couldnt know precisely when or where it would turn up, but I still found it.. consequences. Not quite, said Hawkgirl, looking at something advancing. Story of his life. Clearly it was important to the Nazis, and yet they had taken the risk of building it here in France and so close to the coast and the threat of Allied aircraft that it implied for some reason they considered it necessary for it to be built there, even while aware of all the dangers. It was true what they said about knowledge being power after all. Besides, why would he ever have to worry about fighting in a war? She was fully recovered from her fight with Robin, and her own clashes with the Nazis had left her unharmed. Diana thought as she returned to the cafeteria. "What've we here?" Aboard the jet, John burst through a crawlspace to find himself alone in a spacious room with what looked to be a lot of important machinery. Only he could still see the tension in her frame. "Oh, yes", Tim's eyes glinted maniacally, "I've been itching to give Damian a real-world example of malicious compliance. 7. Even if in the water, there was a chance some of the thousands of troops aboard each of them might survive. That they would acknowledge her experiences as a cautionary tale of the dangers of using it, even against the Gordanians. Hal said he was not coming. I edited this chapter and the last using an eaten apple. Despite the entire mess of a situation they were in, the two heroes could not help but exchange smiles. Erns was a small, elderly man, yet he had a strength of courage and conviction she fully respected. John Stewart and his compatriots found themselves surrounded by idyllic countryside. And right now his primary 'problem' was that they were about to blow up a factory full of workers. As best as he could figure from these instruments though, it was going to collapse in a few minutes. These are recommendations made by Tropers for Batman fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Progress. Except Flash was the type of man who believed in saving everyone, every time. . Running to a motorcycle from the escort, John got it going, and raced to keep up with the lead jet. "He might be a hotshot flyboy, but he ain't a real soldier.". As the jet started to rise, John stood up on his racing motorcycle and leapt up to grab onto a wheel while it retracted, and pulled himself aboard. The sheer unyielding command in his voice was second only to the steely Will in his eyes. Hefting aside some rubble, it took Superman a moment to recognize what it was. The Kryptonian would have solved this in seconds. Unlike others, he did believe there were still heroes in war, except he also knew the whole concept was a horrible thing. For instance, apparently Adolf Hitler had been replaced as Fuhrer, and his fate was unknown. Behind you! he pointed. He noted the lead pilot snapping Hawkgirl a salute. Her response was silent agreement as she accelerated into the fray. He's headed for America!". Read the most popular justice-league stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. He had seen Zoro dismember the man, and Savage was still alive as Fuhrer decades from now. Crime Alley, born and raised, Jason Todd's childhood best friend, has seen it all, from her best friend's adoption to his murder and return. No one knew how this morning started like this. Sure we did, and we left him behind with pirates gone nutso!, And if we didnt get through the portal, everything wouldve been for nothing! snapped Green Lantern. Not to mention the Allied Forces could coordinate with them better here. Instead they were busy stuck with a fighting retreat, trying to keep as many soldiers alive as they could manage. . Now his enemies were fleeing for their lives, and would retreat back to Britain to stew in their failure. The number Zero means nothing. . Because appearing on Earth had clearly not been their choice. Martian Manhunter was still giving his debrief to the others, when Blackhawks plane came down to land. Huffing and puffing, Flash took a moment to catch his breath. More like gentlemen taking to war. Not just for all the usual practical reasons to help maintain his authority, or to avoid any nuisances he could not justify killing yet, but to also slip away and privately check on any concerns whenever necessary. Is Shining Knight still with us? blurted out Flash. Regardless, even if this was not that Savage, he was certainly a Savage. None of them had managed to hold in screams of horror and fear at the sensation of that trip. At some point he had also taken the time to wash the blood off his uniform, so as to not damage the morale of the men they were helping. He had sharp, handsome features, and a naturally commanding presence. He glared icily at the accusation, and at the words impossible for this man to know. Leaving the others behind to finish getting up, he dashed up some rubble to where the roof was torn off to get a view from the second-story. . Only to then hear the most beautiful thing in the world. Dozens of them. Follow new vigilante Bluejay as she navigates, dating one of the most well-known men in Gotham, tries to find her place in the city's nightlife, and solves the mystery of who is targeting the vigilantes tasked with keeping the city safe. ? said Sergeant Rock as he and the others ran over. Because yeah, no explanation was ever given on how they got back home to the proper timeline. Meanwhile, she knew the others did not have such a chance. "We've cased the whole area. Got me in the leg, Sarge, he told them in a pained voice. "Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu," the parisian whined in a high pitched distraught. Hold this, she ordered, before drawing her mace as it crackled with energy. "We Blackhawks bow to no authority until our homelands are free again. It was almost gratitude he felt for Bulldozer interrupting that line of thought with, "Yer so smart, why don't ya go find a runway with yer magic ring? What!?. Its a warning, stated Martian Manhunter. How he had re-forged the Axis Forces into something worthy of greatness. It was actually starting to get annoying.. You dont know what youre saying.. Face immobile, Jonn considered the object with keen interest. Meanwhile, despite what he had asserted to the various generals, he knew there had to be more going on here. Theyre turning back! cheered Flash, watching the last surviving two jets breaking off back east. She swerved around the cannon-fire, and dropped down on the tail of one to avoid being shot. Given the precision, he estimated the lines were done by a laser, and a computer did the colouring. He hadn't been thinking clearly and soon Gotham was talking about the love story that had been The Dark Knight and Gotham's Prince. And despite how she was already pulling him through the air by his hand, his grip around hers tightened a little more. Now the Nazis were led by one Vandal Savage.. Even the wars he had helped the Justice League with on other planets had been solved without anybody dying once they had arrived to help settle things. For all that Superman believed in trying his best to save every single life, during war . If she had time, she might try and see if she could adjust it so it rested over her shoulder, leaving her hands free. I can't wait for more!! " That said, they had learnt a lot from the agent, one Steve Trevor. Two more tried to shoot her from behind, only to be cut in two by his heat vision. Those youd leave behind to die? That actually made her give a quick chuckle. Y/N al Ghul is the Batman of the year 2050. Flash, he said with what patience he could manage, well talk about this later, but you know what call Batman wanted us to make for the sake of the world. Well, you get the idea, he continued to smile. why? Perhaps years.". felt like magic. Anyways, the point was that one of the doctors had quoted that line, only for another to rebut with . ", "Don't you even care what happens to him!?". Ben 10 the Justice Leaguer by Triceratops 278K 6.1K 46 Ben tennyson, saviour of the universe billions of times, stopped the universe from getting destroyed, and stabbed Vilgax with a sword carried by an old man who died. Bruce Wayne has been living the normal life. Injustice for All Part 1 Word To: Harry is written on the top. "You a partisan? Just . Was she losing her edge? ., Irritated at the tone, he showed some of his temper as he turned around to say a tad sharply, Why not? Then more calmly, convincingly, Under my enlightened leadership I can build a new world order.". Except while the rest of the Justice League had struggled with a single one, it had taken Jonn seconds to infiltrate and sabotage the first. 18. A Knight of Shadows, Part 2 CMxDC Week, Day 4Prompt: Hotch is so done. Whatever he is, said another, with a big, red beard, he doesnt look German., Dont let that fool you, said the first speaker. ", Their father floundered under the weight of their sham puppy eyes, "This wasn't- you can't-", "Remember what you said!" Why does Brucie Wayne smell like blood? Silently Batman regarded the lab complex, looking for some clue he may have missed. "You're right," said John. Credit to Analise0626 for the idea. Well, except for a certain heavy man down below. The casualties would've been much worse if we'd stopped to help John. Across the countryside raced Flash, to the beaches, and he did not stop when he hit the water, his sheer momentum carrying him over it as he disappeared into the distance. Well I guess hes not really a kid, though. Does it say where theyre going to land? said Steve earnestly. Dimly he processed how even the others who had been with their teammate were also shocked. This is a harry potter/batfamily crossover and is set in the summer Harry's 5th year. Hawkgirl stared at him for a moment, feeling her emotions bubbling up, before she hardened herself even as he shouted, Go!. After an eternity it was over, and he hunched forward on his hands again, the stench of something burning stinging his nose. No more than Batman, he warned. She didnt enjoy getting punched in her last life and that hasnt changed in this one either. Youre upset about Batman, arent you?, Yes. There was a buzz of energy in the Watchtower, and it wasnt just from the Flash. Instantly it began to play, displaying a message from his counterpart. He looked over his shoulder to draw attention away from how he was now reaching into his uniform. Justice League | Adventure Fanfiction Romance Batman,superman and other members had announced a new superhero has joined the team. snarled Vandal, slapping the fool across his face. Even so, it is abundantly clear they are far more powerful than weve been crediting them with.. I saw him in action while I was out on recon. He walked up. Browse; Paid Stories . The others stared in stunned horror as Hoffman screamed in agony, before collapsing unconscious onto the war table. Ive got a plane to catch!. Home sweet home, said Flash with raised hands and a grin. Through the viewport, Vandal saw yet another of his trump cards explode. Hes a hero too. Their only real concern was whether there were any further surprises. ", The senior non-com looked down at his hand with a smile. Here the heroes are forced to fight alongside the regular soldiers, struggling together with them. Yes, this was the sort of man to think he could rule the world. A quiet part of her, from the former Thanagarian Military Academy instructor on espionage, wondered when a part of her started to consider Earth to be that instead of Thanagar. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The jet shook, and Savage cut off his weapon in surprise. A glance at his monitors confirmed they had pulled well ahead of the green man, and the other meddlers. With a line of those massive, wheeled tanks rolling aboard them, each of the multi-story high vehicles utterly dwarfed by their new mothership.. On this beach at least. 161 Likes, 0 Comments - COMPLETE, 12 SURVIVORS. War . Why did the regime even build the time machine like that if it was so unstable? They were heroes, they were supposed to save lives! Even if the man had benefited from Cherry Blossom Medicals products, it was a simple fact that his Kryptonian healing was superior. They had the resources and a plan for a daring strike back at the Axis Forces, which would hopefully stall their advances until the rest of the Justice League regrouped. She was done with the mythical world, all she wanted was peace. In fact, hes never even mentioned it at all at any time, Flying up beside his partner, he said, Friends of yours? while he nodded at the hawk-head insignia painted on their sides. Literally, since in the end they had been forced to tip over the wheel tank. Marinette is all alone. asked Flash, arms crossed over his chest, and frowning. Everyone left behind was hunkering down, savouring the breather. Send out the signal immediately! Would have been a much shorter story, including with how after the tanks are handled, all the Justice League converging on Berlin and handling Savage.Except the truth is that this is surprisingly important for later plot points, particularly the Justice Lords. It was nearly a slaughter. With the soldiers cheering below, the lead pilot gave him and Hawkgirl a proud thumbs up before flying off. "That's a bit of an over simplification", Bart corrected, "I've been outlawed from France as well, but they put a time limit on how long I was to stay out, and that period's over so I'm free to roam where I please". . He was concerned about something. More worried about their own, Easy Company converged on Wildman. So were just soldiers to you? demanded Hawkgirl. Unfortunately his happy thoughts were interrupted as someone ran into the war room. Green skin, red eyes. For a little bit of history, yes Savages new symbol for Nazism is based upon the Schutzstaffel symbol, or the SS, Hitlers infamous secret police and agents of atrocities. 2. They did not ask questions, they did not take offense, they just silently accepted the help of their saviours. And how much money did he spend on all this shrimp? Wildman! yelled Sergeant Rock, running to help, while John spotted the enemy sniper up in the trees on their flank. Shortly after the others had disappeared, the instruments had detected it in Metropolis, and he had tracked them to this secret facility to figure out the purpose of this place. Hal, did you inform Batman of today?, Because he made no mention of todays event when I spoke to him just now. Precisely. A sharp, piercing look. To make them realize his supremacy, as he had done here in Nazi Germany and the other nations which had fallen under his benevolent rule. Accelerating, fist before him, Martian Manhunter went straight through the roof of one, and out through its belly. Yer a big man when your Ring's working, but without it yer just AHH!". The very proof of it was in this room, with technology decades and decades ahead of its time. Harry holds the handwritten one in his hands. Truthfully, it was an impressive place, and she would have to investigate with the others what it was like in the future. As the sun rose for a new day, the Justice League knew that against impossible odds, they had won. Its getting too crowded here in the hall to wait for everyone to come.. Savage had definitely been intending to show the laptop from the start. Batman has a clone, a sixteen year old clone whos eleven years old. Jason's morbid humor comes in handy with dealing with spam calls. When it begins to go missing in large quantities, him and his siblings are on the case. was not something he was comfortable with. Lieutenant Shayera Hol of the Thanagarian Empire was wondering how she was going to explain this in her report. Truthfully, it was going to explain this in her last life and that changed... That if it was so unstable ; s largest social storytelling platform Knight of Shadows Part. A grin had benefited from Cherry Blossom Medicals products, it was in this room, technology! And frowning still heroes in war, except he also knew the others when. 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