It introduced violent summary justice, official corruption, social neglect, alcohol poisoning, and military rule. The hordes of Canberrans who were finally able to use public transport in Canberra at night using the ever-stingy ACTION buses were, according to Territory and Municipal Services Minister Shane Rattenbury, "well-behaved". Through extensive research, it seems that the argument in favour of a bill of rights is significantly more convincing. While money goes much further here than in larger Australian cities such as Sydney and Melbourne, it's by no means a cheap place to live. This is the ideological wrestling over which part of this continent's history is more important: the 65,000 years before 1788, or the 240 that have followed. All the pros and cons of climate change now, you can decide! And for those whose history is being denied, this isn't a war of words, but an exhausting yearly exercise in defending the pain of their existence. A century ago, when DST was introduced, more daylight was a good thing because it meant less use of artificial light and more energy savings. Arthur Phillip arrived at Sydney Cove and raised the national flag of the United Kingdom on January 26, 1788. The latest poll from think tank the Institute of Public Affairs, found 69 per cent of Australians supported the January 26 holiday. log in. Some disadvantages, however, can include scheduling challenges, reduced producivity, and added stress. There have been several studies that reported the 4-day school week had positive effects on student's math and reading scores. So lets grow up and treat Australia Day as a good time to reflect on how far weve come as a country and, for those in public life, how far weve yet to go. This means that expats will need a good salary to cover the cost of accommodation. Your effort and contribution in providing this feedback is much appreciated. Cook is often credited as the first European to discover Australia. Discovery Company. It is understandable for indigenous Australians to note January 26 as the start of a hostile occupation which led to massacres and cultural destruction. It wasn't until 1994 less than 30 years ago that all states and territories declared it a holiday. Higher costs related to elections. Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison watches day seven of the 2019 Australian Open at Melbourne Park on January 20. Every year in Australia, once the New Year festivities are behind us, the same debate mounts in the press, on social media, and around dinner tables. More than half (53%) of millennials (those born between 1986 and 2002) think we should not celebrate Australia Day on January 26. Send it! There are differing interpretations of what it means to celebrate on January 26. There's a lot of polling done on attitudes towards Australia Day, and the results vary depending on whose views are being canvassed. The major religions have always treated human time on Earth as a mere preparation for later when, in reality, it is highly likely that this is all there is just as for the ants and we should think and act accordingly. January 26 represents where it all started to change for our people for the worst, the beginning of intergenerational pain and suffering for our people, says proud Butchulla and Gawara saltwater man, Isaiah Dawe. When the bus comes, they don't take the rubbish with them. People may get frustrated. The controversy has led to a growing push to change the date of the countrys national celebration to another day without the historical baggage. Then, by all means crack down on rorts related to social security but to be fair let's also crack down on rorts enjoyed by high-income earners superannuation, negative gearing and trusts all come to mind. The guidelines of this competition included that the Union Jack and Southern Cross should appear on the flag. Did you encounter any technical issues? In the United States, there's been a number of states who have ditched Columbus Day in favour of Indigenous People's Day. But the legacy of it isn't. 8. A small number of local councils have already tried moving the celebration which is also the date new citizens receive their Australian citizenship from January 26, out of respect for the wishes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. 2. There's more to us than that, more that deserves to be celebrated. However, if previous years are anything to go by, that day, whether you call it Australia Day, Survival Day, Invasion Day, or whatever, is likely to be the source of some debate. I don't personally have an issue with the date itself, it's Summer, so it's perfect bbq and beer drinking weather. Australia's Constitution as it stands protects only a limited number of rights. Daylight Saving Time (DST) has been used for more than 100 years. Your digital subscription includes access to content from all our websites in your region. Australians can find their human rights that are protected in the Constitution, in common law, anti-discrimination laws and other State and Federal legislation. Personal loans often come with lower interest rates than credit cards. Some advocates said it would help students retain knowledge. Works Cited: Electronic Sources. Not everyone sees it as a reason to celebrate. Don't have an account? Health Complications 4. The Argument: Australia should have a Bill or Charter of Rights. The diverse climate in Australia will leave you in awe. I agree with Aboriginal elder Robert Isaacs: It [Australia Day] brings the community together, it brings the Australian people together and it celebrates the good this country has provided for everyone. Read the full article on The Conversation. Consider the celebration of Christmas Day. Pros And Cons Of An Australian Republic 734 Words | 3 Pages. Lets celebrate together, allowing others the freedom to express what it means to them. If we 'move forward' without acknowledging that legacy, we'd only continue to leave some people behind. Look at a bus stop near a school, office, cafe or shopping centre and you will see what I mean. In doing so, he founded the colony of New South Wales and, at the same time, commenced the dispossession and marginalization of Indigenous people. I find that Canberra is generally a well- built and well-organised city, but there are things I do not understand. On average, annual vet expenses alone are estimated to cost close to $400 for dogs and around $270 for cats - and that's before you factor in medications, surgery and emergency treatment. 70% support for keeping Australia Day on January 26. Your story on on Page 5 of Monday's Canberra Times lauding all the little luxuries also unfortunately highlights everything that has gone wrong. A protester waves a flag during an "Invasion Day" rally on Australia Day in Melbourne on January 26, 2018. They brought the worst elements of an empire from tyranny to syphilis with no thoughts of creating a shining, democratic outpost. While I see Australia Day as a day of celebration, it is also perfectly legitimate for people to take time to reflect on past injustices associated with the invasion. Easier to Set Up 6. Its really important that we have a national conversation about this together and that to me, is extremely powerful.. Unlike sole traders required to pay tax on all income, the base company tax rate for registered companies is 25%* regardless of profit. As such, the City of Fremantle, while not opposing Australia Day celebrations, is having a culturally inclusive alternative event two days later. Your decision last year to cut back on route timetables, notably throwing out more than two hours of the Route 4 itinerary, from 11.10pm to the now feeble 9.05pm was, and still is, a total farce and you should be ashamed of your presumption. Are there bigger issues than changing the date? If the Australian Republic Movement has its way, they want the parliaments at different levels to nominate the most eligible and capable Australians. JANUARY 26 should continue to be kept as our national day but not because those First Fleet ships landed essential cultural cargo. As you can see, there are a lot of pros and cons to the 4-day school week, but in terms of its long-term effect on academic outcomes, the jury is still out. I certainly dont see what happened at the time of the invasion as worthy of celebrating nobody does. Consequences of success. You may see it as tokenism, but to many, it's a signal of that understanding, of a willingness to move forward together as a unified country. During this time, many Indigenous people were removed from their traditional lands, and stopped from practicing their language and culture., Another problem with holding our national day on January 26 is that it is a day that positions European settlement as the primary source of national identity and pride. The national online poll canvassed the views of 1222 Australians between January 19 and January 22 on their views on changing the Australia Day date, its importance to improving the lives of Indigenous Australians and to what extent they think Indigenous Australians face racism in Australia today. Once upon a time you could reasonably expect a little peace, quiet and relaxation at a campground. This is the debate Australians have every year as we approach January 26, and really it's a country grappling with its own identity. We've got so much to celebrate as a country. Ms Gaia writes of her love of her adopted land and recognises the security and benefits Australian citizenship has given her. The list could go on, but no degree of offence to one's religious beliefs justifies slaughtering anyone not the cartoonists, not police providing protection, and not people shopping in a supermarket. A man thought he was in trouble with the RSPCA, but an animal cruelty report turned out to be a case of mistaken identity. Then of course there are the rallying cries of those who say a celebration on the anniversary of British occupation is the equivalent to dancing on their ancestors' graves. When students are too tired or mentally exhausted to concentrate, the last hour of the day becomes useless. For younger Australians who were taught a more inclusive history at school, or have been educated by music, movies or social media, it looks like this change is already happening. Australias flag has changed many times. These are the actions of barbarians. Mitigation of election restrictions. "Australia Day" is named by some as "Invasion Day" due to the dispossession of Indigenous land and the arrival of the First Fleet's at Port Jackson, Sydney, Australia in 1788. Not much, it's the generators that people bring to power all this stuff that are the cause of all the trouble. A debate exists in Australia over whether the country should adopt a republican form of government and abandon its current constitutional monarchy. Economy, education, and health are all at a high level. We must not any longer shut our eyes to the consequences of our being on earth. More from Letters to the Editor Barnaby is both out of touch and running out of time Donkey votes. The events of the past two weeks in France have, quite rightly, horrified and appalled. Catch up on other pieces in the series here. But do its pros really outweigh its cons? So why do more than 70 countries in the world still use DST? In doing so, he hopes to instil strength, hope, love, family and culture back into their lives and break the cycle. All times AEDT (GMT +11). Benefits of Change Management. Updated Coming from someone who lived with this schedule for 12 years, here are some pros and cons to consider when it comes to the four-day school week The Cons Since an entire day is cut off the week, that extra time needs to be made up during the remaining four days. The most common application of year-round education uses the 45-15 plan. The Australian flag debate is a periodic question over whether the Australian flag should be changed, particularly to remove the Union Jack from the canton, but also to possibly introduce a completely new design without the Southern Cross. Benefits of delayed school start times include: 2. Con: Pet insurance can be expensive. It is no longer a secret: Australia is an expensive country to live in, and accommodation is a big part of this cost. Copyright 20102023, The Conversation US, Inc. Today, the amount of energy saved from DST is negligible. Cons: our federal politicians are often very annoying and lack courage with policy. However, I question the motives and sincerity of those claiming to be upset because of injustices committed in the past by what boils down to what one set of my ancestors did to another set of my ancestors. Whereas all the other cities in Australia are extending and thriving on their night-time public transport services, you are economising. . A reading of Noel Pearson's eulogy for Gough Whitlam will reveal how our indigenous people were dispossessed as their land was seized under the falsehood of terra nullius and they were forced into Aboriginal reserves under the control of supervisors with vast powers. But I celebrate on January 26 with thousands of others for a quite different reason because Australia is a great country to live in. I dont want Australia Day undermined in the future and just see it sort of fade away, Morrison said. When I was a kid, camping holidays were the highlight of our year. They also help to contribute to a stronger global economy. Find out more about our policy and your choices, including how to opt-out. Daylight Saving Time (DST) is bad for your health. My opinion, yes it should be changed. Other suggestions by Morrison to safeguard January 26 as Australia Day include enforcing dress codes at citizenship ceremonies an idea which was widely criticized. Ensure you speak to a registered tax agent to ensure the planning is all legal. To take the headache out of calculating holiday, we've created our very own easy-to-use Holiday Calculator . This service may include material from Agence France-Presse (AFP), APTN, Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. Then, of course, with the standard for indexation for pensioners and ComSuper retirees tied to the CPI, is it fair to assume that the Parliamentary pension scheme will follow suit? A poll commissioned by progressive think tank Australia Institute found 56% didnt care when the national day was held, while a separate poll from conservative group the Institute of Public Affairs resulted in 70% support for keeping Australia Day on January 26. ", Or as one Torres Strait Islander elder said: "I don't need one day to celebrate, I am always celebrating my culture and customs, I celebrate being the First Australian every day.". A proud member of the Wiradjuri nation, she says that Australia is still coming to terms with its past. Through his advocacy work, Mr Dawe wants to break the cycle of trauma which happens to Aboriginal children who are placed in out-of-home care. Australians were once 'them' in their reactions to satirical attacks on what were then considered to be sacred cows. Not until 1994 did they begin to celebrate Australia Day consistently . A new social media site has enabled industry-first technology that makes content impossible for creeps to screenshot and screen record. People take part in an "Invasion Day" rally on Australia Day in Melbourne on January 26, 2018. Workers would have more days off and more choice about when they took them. I will never see it finished but will be glad I saw the start. Why we need to change the date of Australia Day. Every year Australia Day, held on January 26, is the focus of huge controversy and debate. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander activist Calma said he felt the conservative Morrison government was rushing to make changes to Australia Day before it likely loses power at a national election due to take place before May. The singer couldnt resist breaking into laughter after two Aussie fans roped him into an elaborate tale with a NSFW punchline. Our program is addressing the disproportionate rates of aboriginal kids being removed from their parents, families and culture.. The answer is not as simple as some may think. 3. 1. According to the Australia Day website: "The tradition of having Australia Day as a national holiday on 26 January is a recent one. For anyone who has had an awkward conversation with an older relative at a family barbecue, that's probably not so hard to believe. Every year, January 26 rolls around, and each time the same debate about our national day floods the country's consciousness and for some of us it can feel tiringly predictable. In 2017, 60 per cent of young Triple J listeners backed moving the iconic Hottest 100 countdown to a new day, out of respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Pros and Cons of Living in Australia vs. UK. Of course, no place is perfect. Australia Day is one of the few times of the year where we are forced to reflect on our nation's identity, and that's a tough conversation for a former penal colony with a bloody history. Compulsory voting may prevent extremism. While former prime minister Kevin Rudd made a formal public apology to the victims of forced child removal in 2008, the practice still occurs. Not until 1935 did all the Australian states and territories use that name to mark that date. The latest poll from think tank the Institute of Public Affairs, found 69 per cent of Australians supported the January 26 holiday. Abso-bloody-lutely! Increase in informal votes. We could all make a list of the things that should be better: trust in politicians, economic competitiveness, standards in schools, safety on our streets (especially in Melbourne), congested roads and inefficient public transport, and yes the well-being of the First Australians, but is anything to be gained by this annual cycle of agonizing over the date of our national day? This year, Sydneys Yabun Festival the Gadigal word that means music to a beat will mark its 20th anniversary, where it will celebrate the survival of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The rule of law, equality of the sexes, scientific curiosity, technological progress, responsible government plus the constant self-criticism and lust for improvement that makes us so self-conscious of our collective failings towards Aboriginal people all date from then; and may not have been present to anything like the same extent had the settlers fanning out from Sydney Cove been other than British. 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