internal business processes influence all of the following except

Janis is the CEO of Global Marketplace. Helpjuices knowledge base software helps teams maintain alignment and stay productive while improving business processes and overall operations. B) the balanced scorecard A) providing better reporting facilities. D) too little employee participation The company has overcome which of the following barriers to success of control systems? He is distraught and anxious about how he will pay his bills and make ends meet. C) on the ISP's servers. These are factors that the company may be able influenceor at least anticipatebut not fully control. A) market share D) low-cost leadership, new market entrants, product differentiation, and focus on market niche. D) variable On the surface, this simply means taking whats not working and figuring out how to make it work. Unlike EEFs, project teams have some control over OPAs and can amend these processes as the project progresses or with lessons learned upon project closure. A) expense budget Measuring and evaluating performances. D) cost reductions, 12) Measures of the balanced scorecard's customer perspective include: Indicate which digit in 2,345,925 has place value Monitoring performance to ensure that day-to-day goals are being implemented and taking corrective action as needed is known as ________ control. B) The World Wide Web A) low-cost leadership, substitute products and services, customers; and suppliers. (And, as they become more efficient, theyll have more time and energy to provide even more value to the business via innovation and creative work.). B) goods and services produced, divided by labor, capital, energy, and materials. C) Solar energy 1. Converting raw data into a more meaningful form is called: Furthermore, you can also have your team get instant answers to the questions they need without having to email themselves all using knowledge base software. A process in which lower level managers anticipate their department's resource needs and pass them to top management for approval is called top-down budgeting. A) checking the customer's credit. D) Bureaucratic E) They require controls at many different points. Customer satisfaction is an important focus for marketers because. You can read about the history of the product, find ideas for baking, purchase the candies in the colors of your school or favorite team, and learn the percent of each color in the standard bags. A) unrealistic standards. 25) To further company strategy, measures on the balanced scorecard would most likely include: A) product differentiation A) uses networks to link people, assets, and ideas. These processes are goal-oriented and ensure that business operations are carried out efficiently and seamlessly. B) customer perspective D) feedback. A) capturing. B) timely, accurate, and objective Installing quality-control procedures that can be audited by independent quality-control experts is fundamental to D) focus on market niche. E) His action is wrong, because the grocery store owner is harmed. B) overemphasis on paperwork Walmart's continuous replenishment system allows it to do all of the following except: Examples of internal EEFs are company infrastructure, skill availability, risk attitude, governance approach, etc. The factors are: 1. Out of all these needs, the basic needs and security needs take a position above all other needs. C) It is temporary and in service of someone else. D) customers. E) Enabling inventory and supply chain management, Enabling business functions and departments to share information, ________ prohibits an organization from collecting any personal information unless the individual specifically takes action to approve information collection and use. A) operational C) employee-satisfaction ratings D) evaluation. Global firms can collaborate from different locations at the same time using synchronous collaboration tools. In a literal sense, though, your organization does muchmore than that. Types of media that can influence ones social . A) ESS One characteristic of incremental budgeting is that it The foundation of this methodology is that there will alwaysbe bottlenecks within your operations, and that identifying and fixing them is an ongoing, never-ending task. D) physical E) market share. E) expense contracting systems. 120 seconds. King Power and Light has a goal of reducing its electric costs by installing solar panels on all of its building and supporting an increase of solar farms in the area. As such, it provides essential information for the following objectives except A. C) a cycle using observed data for continuous improvement of operations D) customer How all these factors interact with each other ensures that each of us is unique in our consumer actions and choices. E) Zero-based control. B) to show a significant deviation from standards E) fostering synergies among departments. Education influences health outcomes through ALL of the following mechanisms EXCEPT. E) There is no distinction, they are the same thing. E) to quantify the performance level for a given goal, D) to establish the normal or desired performance with upper and lower limits. D) efficiency D) Business processes are usually ensconced in an organization's culture. Below are four factors influencing these local government financial decisions. This commitment to excellence should extend beyond singular initiatives, and become part of your organizations ethos. D) DSS D) It can be created to fit your values and needs. But, when things are running well enough, it can be hard to notice when processes arent running as optimally as they could be. Making information available to everyone. Internal business processes can be categorized as formal or informal. C) financial D) manages data entry staff. A) communicating B) globalizing C) cooperating D) organizing E) influencing D) organizing Productivity equals A) labor, capital, energy, and materials, divided by goods and services produced. B) Customer and supplier intimacy E) Digital firms have more flexibility to survive in turbulent times. Describe the use of braces for listing the members of a set. Six Sigma offers two separate processes for improvement: In both cases, the 6Ms of Six Sigma drive all efforts to improve performance in a comprehensive, cohesive manner. In some cases, your BPI initiatives will focus on improving communication-specific workflows (e.g., adding new chat tools, refining contact protocols, etc.). Depending on the situation, enabling your team may involve: You might need to let your team practice implementation of the new process before actually doing so. B) Improved decision making From there, youll switch to a bottom-up approach. True or False, A firm can be said to have competitive advantage when it has access to resources that others do not. D) It uses nonfinancial measures to serve as leading indicators of future financial performance. C) gross profit percentage As well discuss, improving your bottom line is the main reason youd decide to improve a process in the first place. Because it was sitting in my barn / shop for over 12 years!! A) Control of the supply chain influences the work processes and levels of performance through a set of accepted norms. B) Successful implementation requires commitment and leadership from top management. ________ is the process of instituting ongoing small, incremental improvements in all parts of an organization. This group determines who gets hired and fired, the company culture, the financial position of the organization, and everything in between. A) cloud computing. B) Functional Techniques for improving quality include all of the following EXCEPT An information systems manager: A) assigning responsibility. C) reduced cycle time. To achieve our firm's vision and strategy: 9) All of the following relate to the balanced scorecard's learning and growth perspective EXCEPT: 10) Measures of the balanced scorecard's financial perspective include: 11) Measures of the balanced scorecard's financial perspective include all of the following EXCEPT: B) overemphasis on paperwork. It's also important to monitor any external environmental factors that can affect how the business functions as well as develop methods for overcoming these challenges. C) multidimensional C) global suppliers. A firm can exercise greater control over its suppliers by having: E) Terrestrial radio, Which of the following is not protected by copyright law? E) TPS, MIS, DSS, and ESS. Business process improvement (BPI) can also help you zero in on the root cause of problems within your workflows. E) BIS. A) Operational excellence They also keep your team from using your companys resources to their fullest potential. B) CFO Tre'quon's supervisor noticed that he was struggling with the computerized setup for production runs at his new job. B) outsourcing. D) a philosophy of small continuous improvement that seeks to involve everyone at every level of the organization B) As a major cost center, it is important to pay attention to the sourcing, shipping, and warehousing. E) HIPPA. Edwin Hollander, after many years of studying leadership, suggested that the follower is the most critical factor in any leadership event. E) car speedometer. B. Theres not a single organization on the planet that runs to 100% perfection. E) enabling the development of new services. Evan accidentally quoted a customer a price for new flooring that was more than $1,000 less than the actual price. This will help you dig past the surface, potentially uncovering the true root cause of an even more complex problem to tackle. B) processing. C. Domineering influence. D) The Internet enables the production or sales of substitute products or services. The Theory of Constraints is all about identifying the root cause of a performance issue then working relentlessly to remove this main problem for good. In digital firms, both _____________ and _____________ are the norm. B) percentage of processes with advanced controls B) is flexible toward changing environmental demands. C) A business firm is a collection of business processes. True or Fale, Which of the following substitute products would be of most concern for a cable TV distributor? Internal business processes influence all of the following EXCEPT On top of considering the severity of the myriad issues youre facing, you also want to think about: Similarly, consider the downside of not taking action on your operations and on your business. A) CEO B) tactical D) They are providing performance feedback. The purpose of knowledge base software is to allow you to host your knowledge base/corporate wiki in one centralized 'hub'. When your team does get thrown off course, though, youll be better equipped to handle the ordeal whether formally or informally. The ________ function is responsible for identifying customers. C) Radical innovation Before the fall term began, professors at Pinetops Community College were required to fill out numerous forms, including performance objectives, surveys, and lists of their summer contacts with prospective students. A) operating income A) Increasing speed of communicating Management accounting is an integral part of the management process. b. hundred thousands, Solve the equation or formula for the variable indicated. D) Strategic systems analysis A) to compare measured performance against the standards established C) balanced scorecard To do this, teams often create a fishbone diagram using the 6Ms of Six Sigma.