my boyfriend is getting fat and i like it

She is easiky twice the weight of her closest chubby classmate. My 3 girls and I are also very big, like your wife and kids. "SKRAWK! Love love love that belly of his pressing onto mine!!! 806 8067 22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3XB, Taking a break or withdrawing from your course, MPhil Economics/Economic Research Cambridge 2023, Official UCL 2023 Undergraduate Applicants Thread. I realized I started finding this to be very attractive because now I get obsessed about what he eats. If she likes to snack, have lots of them around. A Saturday evening with her dad, you're thinking . I think you have to ask yourself what you are comfortable with and determine how you feel about it first. Last weekend we went to a BBQ with my family and my father and brother were surprised and also happy that he starts to look like a 'real man' (they have a really large bellies). That will make her feel confident and beautiful and want her to keep those extra pounds for her appreciative man! I said I didn't want her to have it that she looked beautiful. He has stopped doing things he previously loved or at least liked. Or should I just let go and let the inner fatty out/let the seems pop? My favorite part is how now (when I'm fully stuffed), my belly blocks her head from view when she's going down on me. I try my best to still have fun but I feel like I been betrayed. When I graduated from high school I was 135 pounds. It's a great sense of freedom and comfort when you realize you're a growing tub of lard with a massive ball gut. He always puts us first and works really hard. When I met him he weighed 185-190 and looked sooo good. My boyfriend is getting fat and I like it. Im a big fat pig and getting fatter! She said, eew, that's disgusting! But I look good and curvier at this higher weight, so I feel fine about that. Just please do not take that out on him or his body. In comparison to what he looked like before (~150 pounds on that frame) of course he looks fat, but now he seems average like any guy his height. A lot of people have been facing worse mental health during the pandemic, but even though its pretty normal and common right now, its still absolutely worth taking seriously. 65 pounds in 24 months is a lot. I write about why I'm fat and what has worked for me to lose weight and the things I've learned about how hard it is, and the problems with that. I have known him for about 1 and a half years, but I have gained 24 pounds. My wife loves it! In 2022, there is much less of a stigma about being overweight and bigger girls are celebrated now a lot more than even ten years ago. Be more like a friend before acting like a girlfriend. You've accepted that you're now a fat man. Yeah, I gained during the pandemic, then added to that. Surround him with food and encourage him. I want to learn some, Ive never been fatter and my wife has never been happier. There is nothing more disappointing than when a fat bride loses weight for her wedding or loses weight after she is married. He complained about the new size, so I walked over to him, patted his bulging tummy, grabbed his love handles and told him how attractive he is to me. Otherwise, if its a preference about their hair being another color or length, if its whether they look better with makeup on, if its about what they do with their pubes, whether they get plastic surgery, whiten their teeth, or dress like its 1987, I implore everyone to keep their negative thoughts to themselves. The funniest thing is, he has never said a word about his weight! Dear E. Jean: I adore my boyfriend of six years. How big are you willing to get? THIS IS GOING TO KILL YOU!!! My wife says I look 8 months pregnant, loland I've got a new pair of b****. Same personality. I go up and down now and again but Ive always stopped before 300 and gotten motivated to lose again. Its going to happen regardless. I would really enjoy my wife gaining weight, but shes a gym rat. But more skinny than fat. Over the first year, I increased his portion sizes and at our first anniversary he weighed in at 250, a 70 pound gain. Like I said, it took some pressure off to know how he felt. How do you get around that? A friend of mine who loves to eat and has had a belly most of his adult life recently told me that he was trying to lose weight. Buying him things that are too large helps, and encouraging him to wear sweatpants on weekend so he can eat all he wants but his pants won't be tight. Eat late. Outstanding! I hope she gains another 100 putting her close to 380 pounds. I asked him if he wanted me to gain weight and he said he wouldnt mind a few extra pounds. Just the sight of his boxers folding under his gut or seeing him try on clothes that are now too small for him.. Anonymous. He is most likely into it but cares more about your happiness. For more information, please see our Wait until she hits around the 500lb mark. Ive dated thin and fat, and there are good things about both. Its a dream come true for you, isnt it? mmmmmmmm Anita G. Last week my chubby hubby called me, he needed a seat belt extender on a flight. If I gets fat enough to be imobile, thats OK as long as he can still f uck me. I don't know if he's testing me for my reaction or what. and "You're shrinking down there!" If youve gained 20 pounds, you are likely still not in the obese category of BMI ranges, and maybe the overweight section. Too bad she doesn't want any more kids! I dont think she wanted a portly husband. I to like to eat a lot . Definitely not my choice. Name a popular food that you really dislike? At 20 I loved my boyfriends hard body. It's never just "A Little". I have always dreamed of growing a big, round, huge belly my whole life. Abuse increases my appetite, so further gaining is inevitable. Finding a feedee that is completely comfortable with gaining huge amounts of weight is a rare thing indeed. We have been married for 28 years. Women not only liking but encouraging by over feeding their husbands. If my mum gives me cooked food at my age, why am I diagnosed with an eating disorder? . It may take a bit of time for you to find yourself full-on, dying-to-bang attracted to him again, whether he loses weight or doesnt. # 1091037. When did you first realize you liked what she did to you? My husband is getting fat and I like it looks good to me. Next time you're hanging with a crowd of your peers, look around. Raised her eyebrows like she was disgusted in your suggestion or raised her eyebrows like shes interested in you getting fatter for her? I have always felt fat, but by America's standards, I am very underweight. Do I Need To Tell Him I Cheated? I'm afraid he'll think I've been up to something to no good this whole time, when it's mostly just me appreciating his body. He loves to play with her belly rolls. WE HAVE IT HERE. I keep getting fatter and she keeps aggressively offering me desserts and seconds. Ive tried, but shes just not comfortable talking about it. Its normal to be less attracted to someone when they arent caring for themselves, when they arent taking initiative, when they have less of an external life going on than they did before. Well, she knew I wouldn't mind at all if she gained weight, so she soon was eating anything she wanted, and the fat piled on. Thanks for being a roll model . Some men like a softer . This I took as my opening to tell her why I was attracted to her in the first place. It might be a hard process of bulking up and then cutting down. Youll find that this will help put 25+ pounds on your hubby as you start your married life and then you can increase his portion size to get another 25 pounds on him by your first anniversary. But I do plan on fattening him up after the wedding date to keep other ladies away. Plus he carries most of his weight in his tummy and face. Grammar and punctuation are obviously not your strong suit. I know I'm being selfish by wanting him a way he might not be happy with. I tried to get him to go to the gym with me and on my morning jogs but nothing seemed to work really. I tell him he's not fat, that he's normal, that guys with meat on them is nice, and so on, but am I doing more harm than good by saying that?? From a purely physical standpoint, the softness feels nice. No, instead of focusing on cutting, nutritionists recommend bulking up for people with skinny fat to avoid additional health complications. The name calling just makes me eat more. My wife isn't quite as heavy as yours. Sounds nice. My wife was always fit, when we were first dating she almost had a six pack. Want to read confessions and comments uncensored? Should I tell him? Avoid having serious conversations with him. . But once she had one, I think she was pleased with how I feel. She battles enjoying the effect on me with self confidence, but if thats not an issue, let go. Allowing your children to grow to such enormous weights is child abuse and you are a negligent parent. Lucky man. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. His legs and arms are still quite lean. Wish us both luck! Actually, no. Or when I clean my plate, shell compliment me on doing a good job. All rights reserved. I'll bet they ready have physical limitations that will affect their health down the line. (Devil horns). I can't even explain to you the last time my scale said that small of a number. The next time a "gift-giving holiday" rolls around, buy him a gym membership. Its interesting to see how some people are comfortable in the club and others are fighting it. A link that will let you reset your password has been emailed to you. Anyone getting fat for a new years resolution? Its been 4 years and we're married now and i've gained 100 pounds, yet he still keeps feeding me, giving me larger portions and more dessert than ever because he wants me to get to 400 pounds, which is fine with me cuz now i just, like, don't care anymore about how hevy i am. It could also happen if youve never done much strength training to produce muscle growth, you dont eat enough protein-enriched foods, or you have been in a calorie deficit for too long by burning more calories than you are taking in. My Boyfriend Loves Fat Women. Fortunately she thinks it's adorable, even the fact that I've lost two inches in p**** size and I'm now down to three inches. You mean like metaphorically or like physically because we are bigger than skinny people? What justification do people have for imposing that type of stress on someone? He keeps fit, works out and is following a program so he'll look great when we go to the . 2022 is the year of the real fat man for me. Feeling that my pants dont fit anymore is a turn on. It helps if she hangs out with fat female friends, if that's possible. We've been together 2 years and when we first started going out he was skinny fat. In that time I've put on some weight, around 40 pounds, but I've made sure my husband got really fat. Urgent help needed - student finance isnt enough, estranged, parmezanne's life and wellbeing blog 2023 . Fat people | My Husband makes comments about my weight. His messed-up mind tells him, "Nobody will want a fat . 2. His legs and arms are still quite lean. He stepped on the scale the other day and he has gained 50 pounds! Disclaimer: My website and blog should not be considered as being a replacement for Professional Doctors advice. Here are 9 signs that you should keep swiping. After 1-2hrs you get off, they leave, and there's no clingy phonecalls, stalking or emotional problems like you would get trying to do this with somebody online or in a nightclub. They were'nt worried about how the partner's of his daughter/sister looks. I wish and Im fairly certain youd agree that weight didnt have such a cultural significance placed on it. In the past few months my boyfriend gained weigh, a feeeeew kilos actually. I love his weight pressing down on me, and his belly sagging when he's on top. I'll start off by saying that I am madly in love with my boyfriend. I don't know what to do. I feel free to indulge without need to justify anything, especially to strangers with dubious intentions. Its definitely worth it in the end to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Im a three hundred pounder and wish my gut would get more attention. So I just started to make larger and larger plates for him, and he started gaining weight, and most of it went to his belly. So you should still put some care into his diet and exercise. I made sure to wear a slightly too small shirt so it kept sliding up over my belly a little and I had to keep pulling it down. Hes up 30 pounds and Im up 22 pounds. I could do with some now actually! Well anyway my cooking and him being comfy, he has gained 80-90 pounds. The world seems to be headed in that direction anyway. Its only been 20 pounds. You can be unhealthy when you are fat or skinny. I'm 31 now, and when we got married, I was a 275 pound bride (I'm about 5 feet 7) and 22 years old. She gave birth to a 10 pound baby and she lost maybe around 15 with the birth but started gaining again shortly after. Lots of ice cream, desserts and soft drinks. Id love to be big as a cow but have work and life demands that keep me in check. The extra 20 pounds hasnt been that bad. Just something I never told anyone. One time, I was on top and she started sucking one and I moaned. Today, I came across yet another headline (rudely) asking if my boyfriend was making me fat.. There are three main ways to determine body composition-. What size were you when you met each other? I should be able to push her way up over 600lbs in the next year. At the time I weighs somewhere around 265-275. When we first started dating, he was a very hot, very . Let me tell you, she pigged out and gained a whopping 85 pounds. Both my x was bbw.After my divorce I found thick girlfriend not yet bbw. The weight symbolizes a lack of effort to maintain the relationship, lack of sexual connection, failure to prioritize health or simply a growing apart. Her thighs had gotten skinny, from being very fat before, and the skin was all wrinkly and flabby. A few weeks ago he told me, joking, that it's good I go frequently to the gym to look nice at bikini season. But subtly overindulging on a regular basis sure is taking an effect! The Pupillage Interview/Acceptance/Rejection Thread 2023 Watch, University of East Anglia (UEA) A100 2023 Entry. Nice! He fought that belly for a while because most of his family is overweight. They keep me hopping so weight gain is not an issue for me. As for safely backing out, avoid your place for the hookups. My wife is very fat with big bum and belly and I love it . Health is not moral. But life happens and with work and kids and the house it is only natural that he got bigger. People who have chronic illnesses who will not recover from them are not lesser than healthy people. He says the s** is beyond awesome. I love him to bits . When we first met I told him that I weighed 175, but it was much closer to 200, maybe a little more. I feed him well, he likes to snack and his fat belly and mushy chest are a turn on for me. THIS IS GOING TO KILL YOU!!! At that height, you have to be 180 pounds to be on the cusp of obesity. I love food, especially chocolate. Just before I had my baby, I was 416. they weighs me then cuz they say i might need c section. I've discussed the ways to make him happy and deal with this situation with a calm state of mind. And when I'm on top I can only last a few minutes before I'm sweaty and out of breath too. Make your intentions and desires known up front before you commit. My husband is getting fat. I purposely dont go to the doctor so he leaves me alone, and when I shows up in my 9th month, i f ucking nearly pass out when he sees me. Well, a year ago, I gots preggo, and the doctor's like, I gots to loose weight, cuz I was like 320 pounds and He says its gonna be a prob for the pregancy. I can't wait until it blocks her even when I haven't been stuffed. With her size now I have to have her track pants made and forget undergarments bras and panties they don't make any large enough for her. Its not always bad to be heavier. He is forever touching and rubbing me, he has the best hands!! She might not want to say something because she doesnt want to hurt your feelings (if shes not into it). I tried this, thinking I would be sneaky and get him just a little fat. Have a strong preference for bigger girls, but the one I married wasnt. Have you ever talked to any of your friends and or know if any women you know that also likes their men Fat or were they willing to admit it. Can you go on more date nights? My wife has always set goals, and as she gets closer to that goal, she bumps it higher. Dont worry about it, baby! And truth be told, I sort of like the air of mystery about it. In order to get him to actually go, sign him up for a personal trainer or massage at . You arent happy about it? Most of my wife's family are fat too, especially the women. I'm at 250 now, heaviest I've ever been. My gf compares me to Thiccollegegirl, especially cause my belly sticks out so much. Ive tried to be very vocal and physical to show her how much I love her new size, and I think she is starting to believe me. I was at 225 so never thin. Don't deny your self just to follow what she wants either. Has anyone discussed it with their partner and how do you approach the conversation? She has slowly thickened but its nothing compared to me. If you cook, start making more caloric meals--lots of carbs and fat. I'm retired! Fatten him up! Then she "might think about restraining herself, unless I decide not too", she said with a naughty smile. Thats totally fine. I think you should bring it up to her. I don't like feeling his bones. Have fun! Ironically enough, I met my boyfriend during the thinnest month of my life. She's gonna have to lift my belly though if she wants me. Any idea on where you will stop? Purposely making a child obese is call abuse. Get a clue you fat slob. Im just attracted to bigness. Shes only 598lbs but she loves to eat and has no desire to stop gaining. We never really discussed it but he just lets it be and the s** is getting better and better the heavier I get (he loves me on top). My husband loves me and says how sexy I look and can't take his hands off me. Last week at the doc's I was 271, so I'm still growing. =( I am afraid my attraction to him may decrease if he gets skinny again. Say yes, and gain a few pounds, but don't overdo it. Show up, love him, give yourself a break, forgive yourself, keep loving him. That you physically dont appreciate it or that it represents or reminds you of him being lazy/unhealthy/unattractive? I responded patting his belly and asking for his 'bikini season' and he smile and told me he looks now better than ever. I feed him well, he likes to snack and his fat . she was beautiful 280 lb . Ladies, its not the worst thing to have a bigger guy in your life. It's fun to eat all you want and your partner praises your weight gain. Answer (1 of 42): Maybe your boyfriend isn't as shallow as most people are. Just because you like it doesnt mean being skinny and fat is healthy for your body. She had dieted down from around 400 for her wedding day and after we were married she told me that she hated every minute of the diet and that not being able to eat her favorite fattening foods was like torture. Definitely a large and in charge dude! Only a few people have noticed so far. Regarding your girlfriend's weight gain, it's worth having a conversation with her about it - one that focuses on her feelings, not yours. I think our society is so focused on thinness that we havent asked ourselves the other side of the question - Whats wrong with a little fat? skinny and exercise every day but still not physically fit, Rejected from uni and feeling kind of down. I think I made the right decision not to go for surgery at 400lbs I qualify for gastric surgery . Not sure if I want to keep gaining because its just so foreign to me to not be in good shape. But hes far less active than he used to be and hes grown out of all his clothes while Ive managed to stay in pretty good shape. Sometimes it feels more like were roommates than boyfriend and girlfriend and Im really upset by that. (Instead actually say what you feel though, obviously.) How have your friends and family reacted? It wasn't until a year after we started dating was when she said she had it with diets and would I still be interested if she put on more weight. turns out all i was was fat. Nice. My brothers wife weighed 160 pounds when they got married 2 years ago. Id rather have a fat husband than no husband at all. At 31, I've been in a couple of long-term relationships before. I was chubby when I was a kid, so my parents sent me to fat camp. My wife started her married life at about 220 lbs. Nice try attempting to identify with the population of heavier women, but you arent there yet, babe. I'm turned on just thinking about it. So all y'all whose getting fat, keep on going! I'm very glad to hear that you and your children enjoy eating and being fat. MINE! I consider the two of us extremely lucky guys. I just love seeing someone have little control of some aspect of their lives. When I met my bf, I was 24, slightly overweight, and had all the curves in the right places. I have always been chubby or more which he loves. I m not so sure its a fetish for everyone. We always talk about how much does she want to gain and she always says whatever will make me happy so with us their will be no limit. It's easy to think that if our boyfriend tells us that either he doesn't believe in marriage or he doesn't want to get married that he's going to change his mind. When we were dating she was 180 or 190, and she's only 5'6". How fat has he ended up?Much prefer a chubbier guy. I am looking for one prefably 400lb plus bottom heavy. I think hes noticed that Im rarely in the mood to have sex anymore, but he hasnt said anything and neither have I. So I recently asked my husband that if he could choose what weight I could be, what would he choose (Im 55 and WAS about 125 pounds). Squeezing her belly roll for fit ladies to see! He will grow for you. But I am so, so, so turned on. I asked him why and he said I am getting bigger and bigger, and soon I will not be able to sit in his car. It turns him on but Im just tolerating it. And I have!. My hubby seems to really enjoy my gain as well. Visualize something positive in your life, rather than focusing on what your husband just said. With her encouragement, and I ADORE HER FAT, I foresee a large amount of belly rubs in my future both getting and giving. Cant explain it either. 19 "I Don't Believe In Marriage". I'm happy and lucky. If he has a health issue, thats for him and his doctor to discuss NOT you. Small changes are better than nothing after all. TWO: GET STRONG. Women are affected terribly by body dysmorphia issues because our culture makes them hate there bodies. chapter 1 - skinny. He used to be slim and in shape, and now, he looks like a butterball. Plus my mother-in-law is very handy with a needle and thread and she does a lot of custom clothing alterations for the kids and my wife. Of course, I'm in heaven. an there might be complicantions, and i sure did need a csection cuz that kid was huge-10 lb 14oz. If a man marries a fat woman because he like his women big, it is her duty to stay fat. 70 pounds for a 2 year old is about right. Want to read confessions and comments uncensored? Keep up the snacks and you might be there someday! Sounds like you want to leave her sorry to hear. I've agreed to gain more. My hubs says he will get me an aide for me. Stay out of discussions you dont belong in. When we got married, my 5'5" wife was chubby at 175 lbs. 98 pounds. I do! 2. More often, it waxes and wanes. Drink some more soda than before. My hopes are the same for my girls. The reason why skinny fat is so dangerous is that its hard to determine until its too late because the person looks completely healthy from the outside, even if they have a bad fat buildup inside. When we go out to eat he encourages me to eat more, and when I say I am full he just says, C'mon, just one more bite. My wife has gained 30-40 pounds during this pandemic, and I love it! Luckily I have my own business and do much of my work from home. Brian was the type of guy I spent most . Her OB was alarmed! A girl who loves big boys finally finds one who likes to eat. I did n't want her to keep those extra pounds day but not! Still f uck me affect their health down the line as he can f. Hes up 30 pounds and Im up 22 pounds your suggestion or raised her like. So sure its a dream come true for you, isnt it,! 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