smartest to dumbest personality types

My N score is consistently around 85%. This needs to be emphasized because the other stuff really matters very little compared to the S and the N. Are E's or I's more intelligent? So we are like mirrors. And I'm tired of seeing the countless sheep all say the exact same stuff about all MBTI types being the same intelligence and yadda yadda yadda. It is the most common personality type in women and occurs in 14% of the population. So what? They don't even want the future. This content includes information from experts in their field and is fact-checked to ensure accuracy. If you want to create a stronger ranking of the types, I recommend basing it off the individual functions of each type, rather than on just the Big Four. Also there are types that are perhaps better at logic than others. LOL -I'm an INTJ but i dont care that much. But I'd say Istp can be highly intelligent as well, maybe even more than Intj. ENTP are one of the most imaginative and creative and at the same time one of the most rational, INTP are the most logical mbti type , and INTJ are very imaginative second most logical and have great analytical skill. There do seem to be far more geniuses among the Delta Quadra socionics group, which use Te, Ne, Si and Fi as their functions. But which personality type is the smartest? People are attracted to your no-fuss-no-muss attitude - they want someone they can rely on and you're the definition of dependable. I have an INFJ friend who by this guide should be smarter than I. In a meeting room with 100 members of Mensa, you will probably run into sixteen ENFPs, eleven INTPs, eleven ISTJs, and ten INFPs. The F/T dichotomy is very flawed, because you mustn't forget that just because we have a natural preference does not mean we cannot use the other. - INTJ/INFJ: Most Abstract (Have by far the best forsight, and are the most consistant and motivated. ESFJs are people-smart, valuing loyalty and tradition. Do not wonder about your job based on your personality type; your soulmate; all of those things should not be ruled by a personality test. Why would they when it strokes their egos so nicely and gives them an imaginary way to feel superior to the hordes of mindless "sensors" who are out there accomplishing things with their lives while these intuitive "geniuses" sit in their basements unable to function in society or, as one said, even drive? document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { Their energy are just spent in different directions and at different intervals, Great input and I would have to agree. INTJs are easily identified as gifted since they are moderately to highly gifted which makes up the majority of the gifted population. I don't think INTJ's have trouble understanding what motivates people at all. Influence as in inventing theories that add to our understanding of the world, or influencing as in literally going out there and changing the world (politically, for example)? The way we define smart matters a lot on the application at hand. You arrived to a final ranking which is somehow okay but full of flaws, like solving a math problem by chance but the reasoning is false. These personality traits, introvert, intuitive, and thinking, tend to excel in areas that define intelligence or aspects measured by traditional IQ tests: abstract conceptual logic and problem-solving. 13. Honestly, we don't really know how Donna is so smart. There are so many things wrong with both this article and the comments it's hilarious. The INFJ is actually pretty brilliant, and the smartest person I know both scholastically and in life in general. I am an entrepreneur at heart. And don't even get me started on this "cognitive function" nonsense, lmfao. It may not be the best type, as they all have unique qualities. Also they mostly only care about themselves, meaning they are unlikely to store any information which doesnt relate to them. Take it from me: INTP if tests are to be believed, IQ 142 if the bearded guy who tested me is to be believed. But that still leaves a level of dissatisfaction for most people, especially feelers who know that they aren't stupid. This article is conception of the idea, you then have the planning of how to implement the idea, the actual implementation of the idea, and the reading of the data. Also called The Objective Analyst or The Logician, INTP is one of the less common types in the population. It also proves that sensors are able to factor in their intuition to make decisions. But those who are among the smartest may be represented by certain Myers-Briggs personality types. INFJs are smart, but idealists by no means hold a candle to rationals. They are the most carefree of all times therefore the least intelligent. I am great in theology, philosophy and able in math and physics. Those are INTP and ISTP. 9. I's derive their energy from the universe. Also, the most basic form of MBTI(The tool you're using) cannot possibly decide the intelligence that they were born with or the hard work they put in in there life to become intelligent. ISTJs are driven to create and maintain order within a system. ESTPs are energetic thrill seekers with a good sense of humor. ), Er did you perhaps mistook 1 for being the lowest? They are not very good with analytical matters but they have a good idea on what to do in most circumstances. So who really is smarter? all in all INTJs are better with logic of the kind A+B=AB The INTJ seems to have a really hard time admitting that though. Extroverted people do tend to get more power in society and naturally reach out over others. this guy knows whats up. But I do want to point out that if you look in you function order you'll find that you, as an INTj, use intuition, to a greater extent than thinking, while the case is opposite for the INTPs. In short, they're more open to new ideas and can theoretically see how those ideas fit in the existing ones, and they don't close themselves off to unfamiliarities. Classroom performance on a single subject is certainly not a definitive indicator of intelligence or aptitude. I put them lower than the INFJ because they are prone to anger, which can seriously cloud ones judgement. I still need to find how to handle this because I'm seriously interested in staying in science As an ISTJ I find this article very offensive., INTP and INTJ are fundamentally different, i agree that ESFJ are the bottom of them all Nice analysis, everyone. I wonder if the reason there is such a high rate of intuitives in the top 2% is because of content of many IQ tests. It explains quite a bit of the intellectual gap I feel is between me and my significant other, considering I'm an ISFJ and he's an INTJ. This chart was clearly made up by some random INTP guy. Campaigner ENFP-A / ENFP-T Enthusiastic, creative and sociable free spirits, who can always find a reason to smile. 2.Being guardians, they simply are those people who accept and cherish the established rules and traditions for the sake of accepting it. INTPs work better with language But all humans are different, so if you are esfj or not Intp/intj/entp/entj you are not worst off than us, just different and good in places we are not like public speaking/making friends. "Nevertheless, it's important to understand the role of personality type when it comes to intelligence.". } As everyone is, for that matter. And feelers aren't stupid. 4.They generally have no idea what they want to do in life beside following and or defending rules. I expect I'll offend, and I expect in many cases I'm wrong, but I suspect many who flail around their IQs and personality types as credentials are a lot like me, basing their self-worth on abstract numbers and combinations of letters because they haven't much else to prove it, be it as obvious as a scientific discovery, or subtle as a well-worded, original argument not relying on self-professed expertise as evidence. you need to go into the cognitive functions. This again gives ENFP a higher amount of geniuses due to sheer population. NTs tend to use their critical thinking for deductive and inductive reasoning. Myself, virgin, 27 years old, I (90%) N(100%), T(80%), J(60%). Quinton, why is it that you completely avoid developing your knowledge of cognitive functions? An hour of reading should bring you to the conclusion that you are heavily under-analyzing this topic because the theory goes much deeper than your current understanding of it. Props to you. It's a general rule, and there are exceptions. Only problem being they spend so much time having fun. Also, I am talking in generalities. Almost any N is going to have an edge over an S. So I would put N above S when it comes to who is smarter because the N has much more influence than the S. As stated earlier, this probably is about 85% of which MBTI is smarter. Its not smart to procrastinate. These people are "born to lead by default," Puglisi says. Do not think you are an idiot because you are an ESFP. Its actually from 2011 or something like that. But INTPs and ENTPs extrovert their feeling (Although as this is deep, they aren't well equipped to deal with emotion, though they don't knowingly hurt feelings much. Maybe. I must say I really enjoyed the way you came to your conclusions. Additionally, a certain personality type, even if they're a 'Feeler' can be logical and solve a problem logically, just as every personality type can do things their personality type usually cannot. Wow. You sound like a typical ISTJ, no offence. I am talking in general. People have absolutely no problem -- no problem at all -- saying that a J is more organized than a P. They don't go, what about the cognitive functions? i think this is an interesting "start" to answering this idea of smartest type, but at the end of the day its convoluted because to mbti there are 8 functions of general strengths and only a handful of different ways to see intelligence quotient. Well I think we should first look at this from an accuracy standpoint. I learn constantly and although on the surface -- my appeal may not seem too engaged -- I can admit that I am an "includer" and appoint value to what someone else, is truly trying to say. 11. They are tolerant and nonjudgmental and commonly found in healthcare careers. So does that mean these personalities are less intelligent? But does a high IQ equate to success and even happiness? The I's don't get their energy from the E's. ESFJ- ESFJs are intelligent when it comes to people and knowing the right thing to say to make people happy. Hard to get work done when you keep procrastinating. Bias? I find it very hard to take this article seriously without any facts to back your ideas up. Not that it's that important.. An ESFJ is the second most common Myers-Briggs personality combination, comprising 12% of the general population, 17% of women, and 8% of men. For example, if an ISFP grows up and his parents expose him to math, theory, and information a lot and it almost begins to be a family bonding thing, the kid will be much more analytical and display himself as an INTJ/INTP/ISTP to the outer world. This is probably the result that for all analysts (NT) their feeling is hidden deep within. They are driven by empathy, and others see ENFJs as natural teachers. They commonly work in religion, teaching, and the arts. They are pretty sensible people when it comes to how people should live their lives and have a good grasp on right and wrong concepts. I liked this chart - interestingly PALPATINE and YODA are "INT" and JAR JAR BINKS in an "ESF". I personally also believes that society conditions people to be sensors. Bob is an interesting character, but he certainly struggles with people (and any other type, really) intelligence. And before you accuse me of feeling insulted because I'm one of them stupid "sensors," believe it or not according to the MBTI I am an INTP - the smartest of all types! Very interesting indeed. With all the time they spend with others they wont learn much. These are both so close and it matters on the goal at hand. Einstein is a clear case of the INTP style, and whats more extraordinary is that he's lived and transitioned into the lifestyle of an INTJ. Intps like Einstein and Richard Dawkins have great ideas, but never invented praticle tools. But it may give insight into what ESFxs find important to spend their time studying people. Isn't it so subjective? E's are usually influential in the foreground as leaders while I's are generally influential in the background as philosophers. I dont even know if you blog here anymore since someone swiped your name, but I just found this a couple days ago. An EF type is more likely to understand social situations and have more charisma. Yeah, I'm exaggerating but MBTI indicates a preferential identification towards WORDS and SITUATIONS who can be interpreted in so many different ways. But i can say, SJ types are the least intelligent of all with several reasons : Intjs are more likely to be virgins longer or die as virgins and invent practicle tools. - ExxJ: Most Manipulative/Leadership Smart. Being an N does not automatically make you a genius. There might be affiliate links on some of the pages of this site, which means we could earn a small commission of anything you buy. They're slated to shut down by the end of March. And you may not be smart at all. So intuatives are generally more intrested in learning than sensors. Actually IQ tests do tend to favor intuitives. ISFJ It's just a random data without ANY backing. Read on to find out which six Myers-Briggs types are the sharpest. "There are many different personality types that are considered to be intelligent and it's an interesting topic of debate as to whether intelligence can be measured," Staci Holweger, PhD, founder and doctor of regenerative medicine at Lifepatches, tells Best Life. 1 INTJ People who are introverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging, are more likely to have that "stereotypical" intelligence, Isabelle Robledo, personality expert and co-founder of Making. INFJ is the rarest type only 2% of the population. ALthough William James Sidis (254 proved) and Leonardo Da vinci display both the highest IQ and being ENTP, lol i see INTP first. A smart INTP can pretty much do what a smart INTJ can and a smart ENTJ can pretty much do what a smart ENTP can -- but a smart ENFJ probably can't do what a smart INTP can do. Feelers are the social innovators of the world while thinkers are the technical innovators of the world. Maybe I don't quite understand what's meant by influence being the marker for intelligence in this case, but I'm not sure I'd choose that as a unit anyways. Yes, some of the greatest companies nowadays could have been made by INTP's, therefore having a great idea behind it, innovative products and all the stuff, but it is the ESFJ's that actually keep the company afloat. The graphic sparked our interest, but we wanted to know more. I think this is terribly inaccurate and biased by your own world view instead of objective analysis. I think IQ is a measure of some cognitive "divergence", but intelligence seem to be nothing more than what people actually perceive and decide to define as intelligence.