1,000 punishment lines to write

LOL, I just call it that book that has the right word somewhere in it, Thank you for the great tips on writing faster. My biggest strength is when I write on a subject that fascinates me, I easily write the article in a couple of hours. ""You're at the Yenabgon City police station." If anyone here has tips for improving your editing speed, Id love to hear them! Hello. You see I know this in my head, but Im not in the habit of doing it yet. Glad this post resonated with you! Another time, I was playing with said brother, and he started crying. Yep lets see now if I implement at least 1-2 of these strategies. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Im particularly thrilled by #8. I think thats OK sometimes, but if it bogs you down frequently, youll need to train yourself to stop editing as you write. . What genius thought this would work anyway? Huh? Dont worry about that. The thought of hiding, of not having to interact with a single human being was all I could think about as I made the drive home. Its very rare that I make a blanket statement that a particular action shouldneverbe taken with any student, ever. How did it feel when you were finally done? Here it was called standards, and we would usually write anywhere from 1 to 1,000, and I saw it as a waste time and a ridiculous form of punishment. Theres also lots of info online on how to get started, such as on this blog here, and also many, many books in both print and e-book format for new writers of any type. What tricks helped shorten the learning curve? Of course not.Then what the hell are you saying?There is only one enemy at play here and it is not you. Hope it helps. Get down what you know, and what you remember from your interviews and drop in the term TK wherever you get stuck and need more information. SD saw that I had a towel, and assumed that i had been wringing my brother with it, so he made me stand in the corner, take off my shirt and he started wringing me with a damp towel. vocabulary (Similar apps include TypeIt4Me for Mac and Breevy for Windows.). Personally, I listen to relaxing fantasy music. ), Well, that keyboard shortcuts tip is great! "I did. Here's why. Write Under Pressure (from Your Bladder) 1. Writing can be an invaluable method of communication and and self-expression, and using it as a punishment inspires children to resent developing a skill that serves them creatively, academically and professionally. 1957 Homicide Act abolished hanging for most murders. When the saleswoman asks you if youve done much running, laugh and gesture to your mid-section. My biggest issue is I get distracted fast and lose my concentration. . A well researched article that supports a bloggers claim in a post will take more time and adds more blogging credibility to the blogger in terms of what they say. Oubria Tronshaw specializes in topics related to parenting and business. So much that I think it's going to beat out of my chest. I find that I tend to be a perfectionist and sometimes it takes me a really long time to finish an article, in part because I edit so much. NY. As an Englishman and an avid tea drinker, Im going to try your bladder technique, but Ill keep your disclaimer in mind. Here are 6 ways to leverage to technology and boost your income. WebOnly murder & treason punishable by death. And everyone, please do check out my Volume Marketing Challengetalk about producing FAST. Iyiola. ), reading it backward, etc. If they were angrier, they would make me stand on one foot, one foot in the air, one hand behind my back, and then lean forward and balance on one finger. Let us know how these tips work for you! Were less likely to punish them out of aggravation if we keep this perspective in mind. The good news is that if your first draft stinks, you can edit itbut you might be pleasantly surprised at the quality of your draft! Brilliant post thank you Linda. You have the power to switch off the checkers so youre able to write without distraction. What have been the results in time saved? Whether youre studying times tables or applying to college, Classroom has the answers. It had to happen, its the law of . that guy who said things always go wrong. She received a Bachelor of Arts in creative writing from the Santa Fe University of Art and Design, and a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing from Chicago State University. He would take exquisitely self-aware irony any day over this three-story architectural monstrosity, classed up with tacked on ionic Greek columns, harsh blue LED Christmas lights wrapped inexpertly around them, canned Christmas classics pumping through the air.God, this place was only better than minimum security prison by a hair. I wouldn't be here if not for you. Well, you know how it is with us Type A people! Hi Linda, I fell upon this blog while surfing for types of content to write about. This is the beauty of blogging and speech recognition, because a person can get a quality voice dictation program with a headset and watch the awesome power of their voice and those thoughts rambling in the back of their mind appear in Microsoft Word in rough draft mode or in a rough draft Google Docs document before editing their final draft. Whether a check fraud crime is considered a misdemeanor or a felony typically depends on the amount involved. Great post! That was exactly what she wanted. Yeah, I had to write lines anywhere from 300-1,000. "Haha. The next best option is a rollerball pen. Doing that, you would have 10 paragraphs on average for 100 words. I eked out about 500 (crappy) words at a glacially slow pace before giving up; the article sounded more like a rant than a solid service piece, and I just couldnt figure out how to fix it. Going to try a number of them right away. I can honestly say that I am guilty of editing and researching while writing. Hello, Miss Jackie. I never heard that expression but it certainly seems to fit the situation, LOL! Chances are youll boost your speed many times over, so you can do even more of what you love (hint: writing & making money) every day. Once, they made me stand in the corner for like 2hrs but they forgot I was standing and I ended up in the corner from about 7pm to 3am. ""I know this must all seem confusing to you, Jason. Ommwriter was free when I downloaded it several years ago, but is now a pay-what-you-want app; the average offering is $7.33. Bet a friend something juicy that you can do it, or throw down the gauntlet on social media. An hour later, that article was done too. We combine personal + professional development in an online, self-paced format, With Angela Watson & Dr. Rebecca Branstetter, The Teacher Toolkit for Conquering Anxiety & Overwhelm, The Cornerstone Pro-Active Behavior Management Course, With Jennifer Gonzalez of Cult of Pedagogy, Focusing on mindset and productivity, each book will help you make teaching more effective, efficient, and enjoyable. No content advocating violence, revenge, murder (even in jest). Forget it. Like what I think about" Writing 20 As an example, when I type in rren, this pops up: The Renegade Writer: A Totally Unconventional Guide to Freelance Writing Success. Encourage the children's natural creativity by avoiding repetitious or boring writing punishments. This is really helpful especially for virtual workers. "I thought about using 'Hotel California' also. Im very good at writing fast. That was the usual punishment along with beatings and writing lines. I just started to blog several months ago. I especially like the idea of challenging yourself to write as much as you can in a short time frame. BUT now I have my own job, my own car, my own FARM, a degree, great relationships with other people, freedom to write whatever I want, and best of all I have plans for my future. I know she can feel me looking at her. La Roche-Aiguille Manuscript BNF Ms-412 to 416. "Jason. It was really an awesome post and we (the bloggers) need to learn this thing badly for sure. I see they charge a monthly fee, but may be worth itand Im sure there are free blockers out there, too. Great tips in here. And, um, Silence is golden? You must cringe every time you hear that phrase now. Hey there When writing an essay of 1000 lines, you would assume, that its not a challenge to compose such an essay. Me too! Ive been trying to stop repressing memories of my past and Ive remembered a bit more. as a fountain pen, but theyre still fast because they create little friction on the writing surface. Didnt even occur to me to turn spell check off! Most people seem to not read the sidebar for information or the rules, so it is now being posted under all posts. I was only in elementary. We have been robbed and deprived of our birthright. Thanks for sharing a workable solution to this problem. Im an artist setting up a companion blog to an anonymous street art project. Instead of kneeling in the house we got to kneel outside on the gravel driveway. (I think TextExpander has some special features for code?) Executions fell to 4 a year. 2012-2023 Smart Blogger Boost Blog Traffic, Inc. She also slapped me real hard across the face when she felt like I pissed her off until the day I fought back around 15 years of age. Teachers have to know their students as individuals and every situation is different. Only three people entered the room. Sometimes I cough at 600 and sometimes I stretch till 1000 words. I did nothing wrong. I love your writing style. Typing details for images over and over again saps time out of my routine! Ive written about 2 dozens articles. Oh yeah, an article on successful immigrants sounds HUGE and complexexactly the kind of piece where TKs come in super handy. The red squiggly line tip is GOLD. And shes not a part of any of that. You know that. Thanks for sharing this helpful information. "Luke, I remember when you told me to never keep what I think away from you." These creative shortcuts help get through the monotony . Wow these are so spot on. After 1840, 15 executions a year all for murder. See, Im a direct-response copywriter, and Im always self-editing as I write. Or a serial killer driven by their darkest, basest instincts? Despite the lengthy line, the service was pretty quick. Hi, Lyon! document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); If you are a teacher who is interested in contributing to the Truth for Teachers website, please click here for more information. Thank you! Your Google research is all done, so all you need to do now is write. Hello! , our new literary magazine make sure to claim your free copy! But I lost my cat that I've had since I was in highschool (mid-thirties now) and for some reason that was a trigger that let a bunch of repressed memories return. Being a 48-year-old woman, I have to pee every 30 minutes, so you can bet Im writing scorchingly fast to make it to the next bathroom break; but if this isnt the case for you, try quaffing a couple glasses of water before sitting down at your laptop. I shared the link on a paid Internet marketing forum I belong to so my fellow members could also come here and read it.) Terms|Privacy Policy|Refund Policy|Affiliate Disclosure, Linda Formichelli has been a full-time freelance writer since 1997. "Police station? Great article! Love this article! I can attest to the speed of the rollerball; a few years ago I decided to toss out every junky pen in the house and replace them with a few dozen of my favorite brand, the Pilot Precise V7 Rolling Ball Fine blue for me, black for my husband, and red just because. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Recently Ive been doing all the writing myself. As the co-author of The Renegade Writer, I like NOT doing things youre supposed to dolike stick to a calendar. Outwit Writers Block with This Old Journalists Trick, Use Automation to Skip Two Million Keystrokes, Stop Letting the Schedule Push You Around, Play Games to Boost Your Words Per Minute, comparison on which pens are the fastest to write with, never again waste precious writing seconds, 12 Top Sites to Find Data Entry Jobs From Home (+ Alternatives), Landing Page: A Rookies Guide to Amplifying Your Leads in 2023, A Beginners Guide to CJ Affiliate (Commission Junction) in 2023. A torture when he had to run, but tolerable now that hes sitting in the darkened theatre. Hahaha, you show those squiggly red lines whos the boss! It can be used in many different academic and professional contexts, but most often it is assigned as a way for students to develop their research and writing skills. After I finish a section, I will go back over it immediately to catch any words that were not captured properly, but I save all other editing for later. I hope it works for you! One trick I learned years ago is to be sure the abbreviations you choose are letter combinations you wont be using for anything else. That way, whenever Im in the mood to write a rough draft or take notes by hand, I can reach into a kitchen drawer or my purse and be assured of pulling out a fast, smooth-writing pen every time. The lead detective immediately suspected homicide and ordered an autopsy. treasury of words, Those are from Thesaurus.com. Some forget intermittently all the way through June.And thats okay. What do you do when kids forget to put their names or the correct heading on their papers? Youre welcome, Linda. Scan over your editorial calendar and see if there are any post ideas that get you all fired up, and make the switch. Im curious, what music do you listen to when you write? A punishment for the child shouldn't be a punishment for her parents; the assignment should be simple enough for the child to finish on her own with no help. Yes! Half-dress. I was just coming off a fourteen day stretch of twelve hour days, and had been looking forward to drawing my curtains and turning my house into a cave to shut out the world. How Many Pages is 1000 Words Hey do you have a lot of knee and joint pain now? Thanks, David, I hope the tip helps you write faster! For spacing of 1.5, you can fit 1,000 words in 3 pages. For example, when I was first starting out, Id print out each article, go over it with a red pen, make the changes in Word, repeat the process another one or two times and then have my writer husband give it one last look. Why are you getting this message? glossary No they are not, working under pressure is simply a state of the mind or orientation that we must set to accomplish the task, it is a driving force rather than impediment. The rest of these tips are excellent too. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. Regardless of how old we are, we never stop learning. I can relate to this article. It got me motivated every time I needed it. This week, I revisited the article I had been stuck on, and immediately saw exactly what the problem was and how to resolve it. Once she made me write I am a big baby who will never be able to live without my mom because I cant think for myself and dont have common sense. It was because she had spilled some water near my GameCube and I moved it out of the way to avoid some kind of electrical appliance + water fiasco, and it made her feel like I loved the video game more than her. Cant thank you enough for the awesome tips I learned and Im super excited to test them out and see how much my writing speed improves. "Stop hesitating and just talk to me already." To achieve writing 1,000 words per hour or more, a blogger would have to have a small team of in-house writers either paid or voluntary. The benefit of achieving more content output is better long-term search engine rankings in Google, Bing, and YaHoO!, additionally to increased ad revenue and online writing credibility, and more permission based e-mail subscribers + feedback comments. Thanks for the fabulous ideas, Linda. One of the chief habits that keeps you stuck in slow motion, grindig your writing session to a halt, is editing yourself while writing. I shiver. Your suggestion regarding writing with a full bladder reminds me that stress is the salt of life. I think most of the time that is true, even with real discipline issues. WebOnce, they made me stand in the corner for like 2hrs but they forgot I was standing and I ended up in the corner from about 7pm to 3am. I personally when I was a child and misbehaved at school or at home I had to write sentences myself and I actually learned from that. and would make me write lines (having to write "I will not do.") 500 times! I personally dont think its wrong at all. The Hack My Study site did a comparison on which pens are the fastest to write with. My thoughts, I mean. Thanks for your post. I am guilty of only ordering the green chili pork taco at Torchy's so I decided to order something Good way of telling, good post to take facts regarding my presentation subject matter, which i am going to deliver in my college. When I do, my mind switched off so much easier. Good luck! What is the nature of your emergency? Its a reaction of discomfort, not cruelty; you made it weird. I hated those punishments so much Yup, my mom did all of that. "Alright. Feeling competitive? For example, some states set a $500 limit to misdemeanors but consider any damage to a motor vehicle a felony. 4 Let Thats four keystrokes instead of 80! and he said something, i don't remember what, but i responded with "you're welcome", and he called me a smartass, made me sit at the table and write lines 300 times. I will switch it off when I will start writing today.Hopefully, it will save lots of time and help me to write more efficiently. I avert my eyes, barely, attempting to camouflage my snooping. Each week I list assignments on the board with the students numbers behind it to show who is missing work (an idea I stole from you!). Change your mindset to transform your teaching! If by cooperates you mean has to pee every 30 minutes, Im sure that will happen. Im definitely gonna give this method a go and see how quickly I can finish my first draft of a sales letter. That alone just increased my productivity!) WebDelivery & Pickup Options - 696 reviews of Torchy's Tacos "Torchy's opened a North Austin location recently in the Volente shopping center. Students at the University of Electronic Science and Technology will now be forced to write out 1,000 emojis for every time they turn up late to class. Deader Yet: A Mike Dodge Story Within a Story Within a Story. onomasticon Very simple and actionable. Usually, essays are double-spaced and written in Times New Roman or Arial, with a font size of 12 pt. You wanna know what I think? This blog comment was produced using Dragon Naturally Speaking by Nuance because I would not dare to sit at my computer right now and manually type out every word in this blog comment. I just started my blog a couple months ago. Your whole article was fantastic. The royal blue spaghetti strap dress. Got any ideas on what type of content to write about or how to guest author? Sir, are you currently in danger? Did anyone else experience similar punishments? Were they over the top and cruel for your someone your age? Currently I write about 1800-2500 word posts today, my Grammarly stats show I write more than 99% of those using that app, and I love it! 1000 per hour is definitely a good target but a well researched article will take more time I guess. Reflecting on your comment a year ago, I was sweating because I couldnt write a coherent blog post. I find that my mind is free of distractions when I hear these type of sounds. Fantastic tips Linda! Note: This story touches on topics related to physical violence, domestic violence, and/ or death/ murder.Curb your anger. Thanks so much for inviting me to post on SmartBlogger! The thoughts and suggestions you have provided are well appreciated. You must be African you are perfectly describing stooping down and kneeling. Hi, Sarah! , P.S. Thanks so much, Adeel! It's normal to feel disoriented and confused at a time like this. There are too many things competing for your attention as a teacher. I am early 30s and very well remember my 4th grade teacher making us copy a Silence is Golden poem if we talked to much in class. When I told him it was late and I had school in the morning, his only response was "That sucks, start writing." She knows it's my least favorite punishment in the world. I never knew I could turn off the red squiggly lines, but I will from now on. I am the self-procrastinating guy when it comes to writing on daily basis. Make the writing assignment appropriate to the grade level. Glad you liked the postthanks! In fact, Ive heard of bladder infections being called secretarys disease because they used to happen frequently to secretaries who held it in while they finished just one more task. Use this tactic at your own risk! Write Under Pressure (from Your Bladder) When Im on fire (or on a deadline) and dont want to stop writing, I skip For example, if a second-grader says a cuss word, don't ask her to write a 1,000-word essay on the history of the word. Cool. Hi, Clarissa! But when you lash out and react like an animal, you harm our cause. 56. No! (And yes, it was good!). Let the assignment teach the child something about himself. My parents made me face the wall with both my hands in the air. As I mentioned in the comments above, I would print out my draft and go over it with a red pen and Id do this multiple times until it was perfect. Punish a child who's talking during quiet time by having her write a play called, "The Girl Who Couldn't Stop Talking." My name is Officer Jones. Please report inappropriate content so it can be reviewed by the mods. These may speed up the process. Thanks for helping me to think and act like a pro! FreeTypingGame.Net has, among other goodies, a game called The Frogs Are Off Their Diet. Dont you see?You Well, that didn't go exactly as planned. He surely ain't never gonna be forgotten.-Leroy Sellers. . Does this look like you worked them out? I have always struggled to write quickly. Use ChatGPT to reduce your workload as a teacher. With that formatting, your 1000 words will cover four pages ( A4 ). I cried the next morning at school because of how much it hurt to write for my assignments. Or do you always listen to the music directly from OmmWriter? Id love to hear if youve experienced something similar. Today, she's the founder and creative director at. Wow, thanks for the share! I got a Speeding Ticket magnet from VistaPrint and it sits on my whiteboard. i never finished the last set from middle/high school and my nmom said id be grounded until i did lol im 30 and if i brought it up she'd probably reground me. My biggest issue is being a perfectionist in my first draft. Wow, an artist all kinds of interesting creatives here! Its not that exciting. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. If youre not passionate about your blog subject, youll soon be wondering, What should I write about? It has to come from your heart. Jakob Jan 20, 2021 at 13:37 Add a Lemme explain, I use an app called TextExpander which expands custom keyboard shortcuts into frequently used text for common copy like my email sign-off, bio, mailing address, book titles, HTML codes, and words and phrases I use often in my writing. Rewriting the same copy over and over, or playing the cut-and-paste game several times an hour, is a massive time suck. Your inner editor screams, so you pause to check it, breaking your writing flow. ~ Access granted through your institution ~ Great suggestions! ----------------------------------------- When the saleswoman asks you if youve done much If you do your research in one room and your writing in another and your entertainment in a third you can help train yourself. Respond with your short story and you could win $250! The third best for speed is the gel pen, which is less expensive than the rollerball, and coming in dead last is the standard ballpoint pen you know, the kind you pick up for free at your local bank or dentists office. Every woman I know who is my age and up has the same problem. I think it is why many people hate to write because this was an oft-practiced punishment back in the day. "Hey love, how are you?" I was a very picky eater as a kid. My mom's cure for this was to force me to eat what has been prepared. On this fateful day, she prepared eba and I didnt! Its cheaper to use the Qwerty keyboard, I just set the layout to Dvorak in my preferences. Kids need to practice doing things the correct way and being their best self. charging between $500 to $1000 for each. I also, plan to try a time challenge, as you recommend. What could be possible if you aimed for B+ work? I am definitely going to try what you said -not edit it as I go. China launches new tourism campaign to combat uncivilised behaviour, write out 1,000 emojis for every time they turn up late to class, A woman threw a house party with 65 men she matched with on Tinder and Hinge and connected with the man she's been dating for a year. Thank you, John! To increase my writing speed, I like to use dictation on my phone rather than typing. Linda you really are a brilliant writer. Still. Once that is done, a lot of time can be saved. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. Thanks for the tips. As if you needed more proof that we're living in a digital world where emojis have taken over the written word. Last year I wrote a 5,000-word blog post in 30 minutes by dictating into my phone. For a full list of our rules/more information, click here. Care more about the child's emotional well-being than making a point. Thanks again, 20 ways to enjoy teaching every dayno matter what! Whenever I upset them, I was put in a corner on my knees while they watched tv. This is why my blog comments are much longer nowadays LOL! . I am currently posting once a week, for the most part, on my blog but would love to get to two posts a week. 44- Tivoli. Just as Edgar Allan Poe and Arthur Conan Doyle built their careers on a foundation of short stories so might some of the writers youll find here. I think it depends on your goals for your blog is it a personal passion project, are you looking to attract work, do you want to sell something on the blog? Irony of the worst kind, he thought, blandly ugly and unconscious. When the police forcibly entered 43-year-old Paulina Fiores apartment, they found her lifeless body on the floor of the kitchen, covered in mysterious bruises. At home it helped me respect my parents more and listen to them better. Full of tips that Ill be able to apply right away, so thanks! For what appears to me, I need to rewire my brain to write in a certain way. Being made to write lines is a common punishment in schools all over the world, but having to write out emojis has got to be the first case that we've come across. The more you resist editing yourself as you write, the easier writing will become. Its reminded me to start relaxing more before I write and, the big one, to turn off Facebook and my phone. For example, break your time into 45 mins and plan to complete each task of the paper in that time frame. Any help on streamlining that? You did a great job Linda and Ill be tweeting this shortly! Awesome post buddy, thanks for sharing this great work. Students at the University of Electronic Science and Technology will now be forced to write out 1,000 emojis for every time they turn up late to class. I will forever remember the way those words made me feel. If your 1000 words should come in the form of an essay, there are some format requirements to consider. Cool, hope those tips help you write faster! The only respite was the small almost seamless lines of dark grey thread interwoven into t Is this the place? And meditating before writing wouldnt do any harm, either. Some students hate writing, no matter how fun the assignment is. Thanks. and its like watching a video in slo-mo. Thank you! Sometimes, the spelling mistakes can consume a lot of time but these tools can save you. If your writing slows to a virtual crawl because you feel the need to check Facebook or answer an email after every sentence, youll love OmmWriter, a program that blocks out the files and applications behind the writing page to minimize distractions. Youll find that the writing flows much faster that way. This is considering a 12pt Times New Roman font with double spacing. Also, thanks for mentioning Ommwriter, never heard of it before, looks interesting. Thanks for the kind words, Viv! Sitting and thinking about the glorious piece of the content cant be created until you have hard determination. Be prepared to explain what you expect to accomplish and how writing as a punishment will steer children toward your intended results. Your TK advice is a great antidote and hopefully a cure. I really didn't "Pretty good, I guess. Ken, thanks for all the great tips! I try to suppress the shock that is contorting my face. Thanks for sharing these tips on how we can write faster. Shes on the way over as we speak. When we form habits, were sort of training our bodies to expect certain things in certain locations. Are 6 ways to leverage to technology and boost your income a point that is... Sharing a workable solution to this problem school because of how old we are, we never stop learning hope... Method a go and see if there are some format requirements to consider were less likely to them. 'Re at the Yenabgon City police station. '' or playing the cut-and-paste several! 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