41 glyphosate application rate per acre

PPE required for early entry to treated areas that is permitted under the Worker Protection Standard and that involves contact with anything that has been treated, such as plants, soil, or water, is: coveralls, Do not add surfactant to the herbicide solution. within the specified range to ensure complete coverage. NOTE: When using ammonium sulfate, apply this product at rates specified in this label. ornamental weed control, *Glyphosate, N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine, in the form of its isopropylamine salt 41.0%, 59.0% Unless otherwise specified, do not exceed 2 quarts per acre. are not acceptable, return at once unopened. Narrow-row soybean also reduces weed resurgence, while corn does not share the same benefit (Bradley, 2006). combined with the rates of this product specified in the ANNUAL WEEDS RATE TABLE (on physical label), will control the following weeds up to the maximum height or length indicated: 6"prickly lettuce, Hand-Held or Backpack Equipment INSTRUCTIONS, PREHARVEST INTERVALS, AND ADDITIONAL PRECAUTIONS AND RESTRICTIONS. A Complete non-selective broad-spectrum postemergence herbicide for crop and non-crop, Controls annual & perennial weeds, tree, vine and shrub, pasture grasses, forage legumes and rangelands, Effective Against: annual weeds, perennial weeds, trees, vines, shrubs, Use in pasture grasses, forage legumes, rangelands, crops, roundup ready, industrial, turf, ornamental, vegetables, gardens. When applying to crops grown on raised beds, ensure that the hood is capable of completely enclosing the spray pattern. precautions regarding crop injury. Avoid operating this equipment on rough or sloping terrain where the spray hoods might be raised up off the ground surface. The pubescence on the surface of many weed species can physically limit contact between a leaf surface and a water droplet containing herbicide. Growth and fecundity of several weed species in corn and soybean. Influence of weed removal timing and row spacing on soybean yield loss. drip. Before entering the cytoplasm, however, herbicides must diffuse through the cell wall, a primarily hydrophilic environment, and be transported via trans-membrane proteins through the plasma membrane. I'm not sure what kind of a glyphosate mixture you're getting but it sure sounds like you plan to mix it "hot" to me. The equivalent rate of ammonium sulfate in a liquid formulation may also be used. Physical resources such as water, mineral nutrients, and light being competed for by crops and weeds are often in sufficient supply for dense seedling populations of both. Fill the container 1/4 full with water and recap. Effective Against: Follow manufacturer's instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. The use of ammonium sulfate is recommended by most product manufacturers; it should be added to the spray solution before glyphosate at 8.5 to 17 lb per 100 gallons of water. The following drift management requirements must be followed to avoid off-target movement during aerial applications to agricultural field crops. Reduced weed control may result from treating weeds with disease or insect damage, weeds heavily covered with dust, or weeds under poor growing conditions. THAT IS VISIBLY MUDDY OR MURKY. 15.1 Water Carrier Volumes of 10 to 40 Gallons Per Acre 58 Tank Mixtures with 2,4-D, Dicamba, or Picloram 22K 58 . A single, low pressure low-drift flat-fan nozzle with an 80 to 95 degree spray angle positioned at the top MIXING Do not reuse this container for any other purpose. The effect of weed density and application timing on weed control and corn grain yield. For Rope or Sponge Wick Applicators: Use solutions ranging from 33 to 75 percent of this product in water. majority of the red rice plants are at the 2-leaf stage and no more than 4 inches tall. You can figure out how to calibrate your sprayer in a bunch of different ways to measure how many gallons per acre it's spraying -- look it up on the internet. wind patterns and how they affect drift. 10109579. Application at the V3/V4 stage most often minimizes yield loss while maximizing weed control. Apply when wind speeds are 10 miles per hour or less. 1996. 2006. specific instructions and exceptions pertaining to the statements on this label about personal protective equipment (PPE) and restricted entry interval. One of the most common of these species is annual morningglory species. A foliar application should be "rain fast" once droplets have dried on the leaf surface. Myers, M. W., W. S. Curran, M. J. Vangessel, B. All sale prices listed as dollars off or % off are discounted from our regular posted shelf price, not from discounts given with specialty, bulk or pallet pricing. Ok you know your spraying 1 acre. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN Triple rinse or pressure rinse container (or equivalent) promptly after emptying. Do not apply directly to water, to areas where surface water is present or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. or www.weedscience.org. Table 1. This product may be applied with the following application equipment: Aerial Spray Drift Management Currently manufacturers of glyphosate formulate it as an isopropylamine, ammonium, or potassium salt. For control of annual weeds with hand-held CDA units, apply a 20 percent solution of this product at a flow rate of 2 fluid ounces per minute and a walking speed of 1.5 mph (1 quart per acre). is recommended. Emptied container retains vapor and product residue. 1. Ultra low carrier volumes may provide insufficient spray coverage in dense weed/crop canopies, however, and the orifice size of spray tips necessary for such volumes are easily plugged. This product offers growers and dealers the same control as the leading glyphosate / surfactant offering while providing a broader label and reduced price. Time to Symptoms Certain broadleaf weed species such as velvetleaf are known to orient their leaves more vertically when stresses are applied, decreasing droplet retention time on the leaf and decreasing herbicide efficacy (Zhou et al. Because of its effectiveness on large weeds, many producers may overlook application timing and interactions with cropping management as critical decisions for glyphosate. Apply prior to seedhead FIRST AID Selective Equipment Shielded and hooded sprayers, wiper applicators and sponge bars. Selective Equipment and carefully observe the precautions, limitations, and all other information appearing on the additive label. Foliar herbicides also lend themselves to a more IPM-friendly approach to weed management, allowing producers to base decisions on scouting information rather than a prophylactic treatment. Nozzle orientation: Orienting nozzles so that the spray is released backwards, parallel to the airstream, will produce larger droplets than other orientations. Specific rates of this product that are emphasized in this product's labeling to control Consider using low-drift nozzles. The active ingredient in this product inhibits an enzyme found only in plants and microorganisms that is essential to the formation of specific amino acids. This product may be tank-mixed with other herbicides to provide residual weed control, a broader weed control spectrum or an alternate mode of Dry, spray-grade AMS should be added at a rate of 8.5 pounds to 17 pounds of AMS per 100 gallons of spray solution. If the hood is raised, spray particles may escape and Eliminate any risk of siphoning the contents of the tank back into the carrier source while mixing. chemical resistant gloves greater than 14 mils in thickness composed of materials such as butyl rubber, natural rubber, neoprene rubber, or nitrile rubber, shoes plus socks and protective eyewear. PERENNIAL WEEDS RATE SECTION(See complete crop-specific instructions on physical label). Annual Weeds Hand-Held or Backpack Equipment *Contains 480 grams per liter or 4 pounds per U.S. gallon of the active ingredient glyphosate, in the form of its 2005; Gower et al. Sharma, S. D., N. Chandrasena, and M. Singh. The benefits of preemergence herbicides in roundup ready soybean. Time of weed removal with glyphosate affects corn growth and yield components. Observe all labeled safeguards until container is cleaned, reconditioned, or destroyed. come into contact with the crop, causing damage or destruction of the crop. For maximum yield glyphosate should be applied to weeds<4 inches tall in corn and<6 inches for soybean. SEE THE INDIVIDUAL CROP SECTIONS FOR SPECIFIC Glyphosate, the active ingredient in this product, is a Group 9 herbicide based on the mode of action classification system of the Weed Science Society of America. Time of day of application effect on glyphosate and glufosinate efficacy. Operate this equipment at ground speeds no greater than 5 miles per hour. In cropping systems, hooded sprayers, shielded sprayers, and wipers may be used in row middles (in between rows of crop plants), and wipers may be used over-the-top of crops only when specified This product may be diluted in water and applied through shielded sprayers, hooded sprayers, wiper applicators or sponge bars to weeds growing in any non-crop site specified on this label. 14.3 Annual Weeds Tank Mixtures with Atrazine for Fallow and Reduced Tillage Systems Hock, S. M., S. Z. Knezevic, A. L. Martin, and J. L. Lindquist. . 2007). Some manufacturers include surfactants, defoamers, and drift retardants to complete their glyphosate product. Plants act to conserve available water during droughty times by thickening epicuticular wax and closing stomata. Table 2. 97:294-302. 5. From: sagittarius. Idealized view of herbicide diffusion into a leaf. Something went wrong. causing serious personal injury, if ignited by open flame, spark, welder's torch, lighted cigarette or other ignition source. A. Majek, B. Apply enough total spray volume through the proper equipment to get good coverage of the target weeds. Controls annual & perennial Use only according to label instructions. Dawn is kind of like the cheap Ammonium sulfate that JEG was talking about. 8. Water is considered "hard" when it contains various salts such as Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe2+, Na+, and Zn2+. Pour or pump rinsate into application equipment or rinsate collection system. I use 1qt roundup, 1qt amonium sulfate for 20gal water per acre. Using a preplant or preemerge herbicide to be followed by glyphosate reduces its timing sensitivity. Spray coverage should be uniform and complete. Avoiding applications during short-term periods of poor plant growth or other weather conditions that may cause poor glyphosate performance is an important management consideration. READ THE LABEL! Weed Technol. effect in the month in which the pesticide will be applied. Refer to the "ANNUAL The international survey of herbicide resistant weeds. When making applications in low relative humidity, set up equipment to produce larger droplets to compensate for evaporation. and typical use rates are 0.25% by volume. Clean sprayer parts immediately after using this product by thoroughly flushing with water. If dry ammonium sulfate is being used, ensure that it is Pressure: Use the lower spray pressures specified for the nozzle. If no such tank or store rinsate for later use or disposal. Crop Management doi: 10.1094/CM-2007- 0419-01-RS. Because of store size limitations or geography, some items featured may not be available in all stores but will be made available by special order during sale periods at advertised prices. Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system. 2 Weeds emerging after herbicide application allowed to compete with corn. Shake for 10 seconds. For the At the standard use rate of 0.75 lb a.e. Table 1. For best results, spray coverage should be uniform and complete. Of particular concern for polar herbicides such as glyphosate is the non-polar nature of cuticle-associated waxes. Crop Management doi: 10.1094/CM-2003-0219-01-RS. 2003). the combined total of all treatments must not exceed 10.6 quarts of this product per acre per year. Always, always, always read the label on any chemicals that you use. Improved control of many tolerant weed species can be obtained by increasing the glyphosate rate and applying to smaller weeds. Adjust height of applicator to ensure adequate contact with weeds. achieve control. Control is considered to be fair to poor at 0.75 lb a.e. The ams is used to help the roundup do its job. Ammonium sulfate at a rate of 8.5 to 17 lb per 100 gallons of water should be added to all spray solutions. Non-refillable container less than or equal to 5 gallons: Triple rinse as follows: Empty the remaining contents into application equipment or a mix tank and drain for 10 seconds after the flow This product does not provide residual weed control. When using a 1 percent solution of glyphosate, increase the amount to 1.3 ounces. TYPES OF APPLICATIONS: Those listed in ANNUAL AND PERENNIAL CROPS section of this label plus the following: Red Rice Control Prior to Planting Rice, Spot Treatment (Except Rice), Over-The-Top 2. For low-volume directed spray applications, spray coverage should be uniform with at least 50 percent of the foliage contacted. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry. Utilize the specified label rate for the most difficult to control weed in your field. Drain for 10 By suppressing weeds instead of killing them, the more glyphosate-tolerant clover recovers sooner, spreads faster, and dominates the ground cover. weeds listed in the table below: 1 quart per acre grass and broadleaf annual weeds less than 6 inches in height or circumference and vines less than 3 inches in length. AVOID CONTACT OF HERBICIDE WITH DESIRABLE VEGETATION. Knezevic et al. Not sure were I got that. 2003; Knezevic et al. 2005. Wiper Applicators Pasadena, TX 77507 EPA110209/. Avoid contact with eyes or clothing. There are too many variables for one rate to work for every situation. It is formulated as a water-soluble liquid. Comparison of the critical period for weed control in wide and narrow row corn. Band width in inches X Herbicide Broadcast RATE = Herbicide Band RATE Take care not to spray or allow spray to drift a concentrated cloud (under low wind conditions) indicates an inversion, while smoke that moves upward and rapidly dissipates indicates good vertical air mixing. And next what are you planning on planting? Colorants or marking dyes may be added to spray solutions of this product; however, they can reduce performance. Glyphosate is and will likely continue to be an important part of weed management for the foreseeable future, fundamental knowledge to optimize its performance will help insure its effectiveness and longevity. Every applicator must be familiar with local For a 2 percent solution . Date: 27-Apr-12. DO NOT MIX THIS PRODUCT WITH WATER FROM PONDS AND DITCHES of the filling process and mix gently. An application rate of 15 gallons of solution per acre is only 1.3 milliliters or .25 teaspoon per square foot. oz of a 41% product). Solid stream Avoid leakage or dripping onto desirable vegetation. Crop Insights by Jeff Wessel, Agronomy Trials Manager. Refer to label booklet for specific instructions. Limited to stock on hand. seconds. EPA Reg. 2004. Crop Management. Glyphosateadjuvant interactions: A review of recent experiences. Before I plant is it better to burn the dead grass off or work it into the ground? Read the LIMIT OF WARRANTY AND LIABILITY statement at the end of the label before buying or using. Figure 4. Clean equipment before moving from field to field to minimize the spread of weed seed or plant parts. ATTENTION action. lowest height that is safe reduces the exposure of the droplets to evaporation and wind. Repeat this procedure two more times. In crops where spot treatments are allowed, do not treat more than 10 percent of the total field to be harvested. concentration should be used for product rate calculation. 5903 Genoa-Red Bluff 2003. Unlike soybean, reducing corn row spacing does not improve its competitiveness (Norsworthy and Oliveira, 2004) and may even reduce it (Dalley et al. All labeled treatments may be made by aerial equipment where appropriate, provided that the applicator complies with the precautions and restrictions specified in this product's labeling. I'll take a practice run with the atv to see how long it will take. CAUTION Some crop injury may occur if dicamba or Tordon 22K is applied within 45 days of planting. Add individual formulations to the spray tank as follows: wettable powder, flowable, emulsifiable concentrate, drift control additive, water-soluble liquids (this product) followed by surfactant. per gallon of water to control most annual weeds. 2007) and corn (Tharp et al. Application should Short-lived temperature spikes (> 90 F) can also enhance absorption by reducing cuticle viscosity and allowing easier passage of foliar-applied herbicides. Do not reuse or refill this container. Wiper Application (Feed Barley and Wheat only), Preharvest (Wheat And Feed Barley Only). Unless otherwise specified, weed control applications may be made according to the rates listed should be utilized to determine product rates. In these instances, repeat treatment may be necessary. First what does your hayland comprise of? effect when we have the herbicide diluted in water to make a spray application (eg. Due to earlier planting and more rapid vegetative growth, corn typically does not benefit from reduced row spacing. It is based on making the calibration application to an area of 1/128 acre, or 340 square feet (43,560 square feet per acre 128 = 340 . Apply to foliage of vegetation to be controlled on a spray-to-wet basis; do not spray to the point of run-off. I am going to order 2 of the 2.5 gallon jugs for a total of $86.30. Read and carefully observe cautionary statements and other information appearing on the additives label. result in discoloration, stunting or destruction. Spray solutions of this product should be mixed, stored and applied using only clean stainless steel, aluminum, fiberglass, plastic or plastic-lined steel containers. Weed Sci. crop rotation or tillage) may also be used as appropriate. This cloud can move in unpredictable directions due to the light variable winds common during inversions. This When photosynthetic rates are high photoassimilate produced in leaf epidermal cells is rapidly loaded into the phloem, other organic molecules like glyphosate are similarly loaded, and both are quickly translocated to sink organs (Figure 2). in non-crop sites or in tree, vine, or shrub crops, the combined total of all treatments must not exceed 10.6 quarts of this product (8 pounds of glyphosate acid) per acre per year. Be aware that on sloping ground the herbicide solution may migrate, causing dripping on the lower end and drying of the wicks on the upper end of the wiper applicator. I don't pay a lot of attention to figuring out how many acres need to be sprayed and calibrating my sprayer. shrubs crops, roundup ready, industrial, turf, 2007. Ranger Pro is the generic of Roundup Pro, and is equivalent and just as effective as the name brand, only much less expensive. Since their commercial introduction in the U.S. in 1996, herbicide-tolerant crops have been widely and rapidly adopted (USDA-ERS, 2010). Extreme care must be taken to avoid spray or drift onto the foliage or any other green tissue of desirable vegetation, as seconds after the flow begins to drip. Since the occurrence of new glyphosate-resistant weeds cannot be determined until after product use and scientific confirmation, Control Solutions, Inc. is not responsible for any losses that may result 3. 2003; Norsworthy and Oliveira 2004; Dalley et al. How fast the spray is flowing out the nozzle, oz/min, gal/min, ect. restrictions, minimum re-cropping interval and rotational guidelines. Stand the Maintain gentle agitation at all times until the contents of the tank are sprayed out. Rainfall shortly after (< hour) glyphosate application can wash spray droplets from the leaf surface. 2006. Leaf surfaces also consist of an uneven epicuticular wax that serves to further reduce contact between water droplets and the leaf surface (Figure 1). Performance may be improved by reducing speed in areas of heavy weed infestations to provide adequate wiper saturation Spray volume, formulation, ammonium sulfate, and nozzle effects on glyphosate efficacy. Unless otherwise specified in this product's labeling, treatments with selective It is used in more than 130 countries on agricultural crops, orchards, nurseries, greenhouses, lawns, landscapes, rights-of-way, etc.. Over 100 million pounds are applied to U.S. farms and lawns every year, according to the EPA. Non-refillable containers. The average rate of glyphosate applications per hectare per crop year during 2014 fell in the range of 1.5-2.0 kg/hectare . per acre. To clean the container before final disposal, empty the remaining contents from the container into application equipment or mix tank. For better control of common ragweed, giant ragweed, Pennsylvania smartweed, or velvetleaf with a maximum height of 6 inches, tank mix this product with 0.5 pound of 2,4-D per acre. Applicators must use Bulletins that are in DO NOT MIX, STORE OR APPLY THIS PRODUCT OR SPRAY SOLUTIONS OF THIS PRODUCT IN GALVANIZED STEEL OR UNLINED STEEL (EXCEPT STAINLESS STEEL) CONTAINERS OR SPRAY TANKS. To minimize the occurrence of glyphosate-resistant biotypes observe the following general weed management recommendations: Except as otherwise specified in a crop section of this label, the combined total of all treatments must not exceed 8 quarts of this product (6 pounds of glyphosate acid) per acre per year. specifically noted in the individual crop sections that follow, wipers may also be used above certain crops to control tall weeds. mechanical practices. 3 ( Glyphosate or any herbicide intended for foliar absorption must contact the weed canopy and be retained on it long enough for some absorption to occur. . For specific details on control of these target pest and use rates check the label provided. Call, Gordons Trimec 793700 Weed Killer, 1 gal, Cornerstone Plus Glyphosate Herbicide 2.5 gal. I'm not sure what kind of hay it is. One method for adding other herbicides into a continuous Roundup Ready system is to rotate to other Roundup Ready crops. Open the box and throw instructions away. Dry and liquid AMS replacement products are available, but when using them be sure to add them at a rate . Leave at least an 8-inch untreated strip over the drill row. Carlos Martnez. Refer to the individual use area EXTREME CARE MUST BE USED WHEN APPLYING THIS PRODUCT TO PREVENT INJURY TO DESIRABLE PLANTS AND CROPS. Use Sites: Thoroughly rinse the spray system with clean water after use to reduce corrosion. PRECAUTIONS, RESTRICTIONS: Do not treat rice fields or levees when flooded. AVOID DRIFT. Cultural Considerations Non-selective, broad-spectrum weed control for many agricultural systems and farmsteads. For weeds that have been mowed, grazed or cut, allow regrowth to occur prior to treatment. In Ensure the correct rate is used by considering the parent acid concentration or acid equivalent (a.e.) (a) a nucleotide sequence encoding an amino acid sequence that is at least 95% identical to the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO:26351; (b) a nucleotide sequence that is at least 95% identical to the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO:26350; (c) a nucleotide sequence encoding the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO:26351; or (d) a nucleotide sequence comprising the nucleotide sequence of SEQ ID NO . 2004). Non-Agricultural Use Requirements The requirements in this box apply to uses of this product that are NOT within the scope of the Worker Protection Standard for agricultural pesticides (40 CFR Part 170). This critical weed-free period or critical period is defined as a period of time in crop development that weeds must be controlled to prevent yield loss. Weed species resistant to Group 9 herbicides may be effectively managed utilizing another herbicide from a different Group or by using other cultural or . It also contains Start with a clean field, using either a burndown herbicide application or tillage. And spread lime and fertilizer as needed and yes till it in. Drift reduction additives may be used with all equipment types, except wiper applicators, sponge bars and Controlled Droplet Applicator (CDA) equipment. Apply to actively growing annual weeds. The ammount of water you use depends on three things: 1. the width of your spray cone coming from the nozzle. Optimum glyphosate application time is a complex subject, primarily due to large variations in weather, weed populations, and cropping management practices under which corn and soybean are produced. ENDANGERED SPECIES PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS: This product may have effects on federally listed threatened or endangered species or their critical habitat in some locations.When using this Crop Management doi:10.1094/CM-2007-0122-01-RS. Do not contaminate water, foodstuffs, feed or seed by storage or disposal. Nozzles must always point backward, parallel with the air stream and never be pointed downwards more than 45 degrees. Ground Broadcast Spray Boom or boomless systems, pull-type sprayers, floaters, pick-up sprayers, spray coupes and other ground broadcast equipment. Shielded and Hooded Sprayers Both responses reduce glyphosate absorption. Mode of Action Check Copyright 2012 Bowsite.com. One lists the active ingredient as '41% glyphosate as the isopropylamine salt' and the other as 48.7% glyphosate as the potassium salt'. Flush fields prior to application to obtain uniform germination and stand of red rice. I used 2 oz per gallon. It contains requirements for training, decontamination, notification, and emergency assistance. (e.g. Weeds should be a minimum of 6 inches above the desirable vegetation. PROLONGED EXPOSURE OF THIS PRODUCT This generic roundup will kill most weeds and grasses. {{wg.store.city}} They begin to form as the sun sets and often continue into the morning. farmsteads. For example; Roundup WeatherMax contains 4.5 lb a.e. The ammount of water you use depends on three things: 1. the width of your spray cone coming from the nozzle. Since glyphosate products are manufactured with different salts, rate calculations using the parent acid plus the salt portion (active ingredient) will produce different amounts of the parent acid. Pour rinsate into application equipment or a mix tank or store rinsate for later use or disposal. Drain for 10 seconds after the flow begins to drip. Do a little math. Wait 7 days and spray the spots that were missed. Compensate for evaporation ready soybean the leading glyphosate / surfactant offering while providing a broader label reduced! 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