pennsylvania railroad valuation maps

ft.), PRR / VP of Real Estate / Post Office Files, 1923-1933. Fred Byerly photo. ft.), PRR / President / Presidential Correspondence of Samuel Rea, 1913-1925. Since the 1920s Pennsylvania has lost about 57% of its rail infrastructure due to so many abandonments of anthracite railroads and low-density branch/secondary lines. (.1 cu. 149k followers Cumberland Valley. ft.), Penn Central Corp. / General Correspondence Files, 1955-1976. and added an additional track to meet demand, soon being renamed as the ft.), North Penn Coal Company / Minute Book, 1913-1938. Valuation Maps: This is a special series of Engineering Drawings originally created between the years 1913 and 1916 as required by the Interstate Commerce Commission and regularly updated as needed thereafter. Transportation and Tourism Maps by moving coal on a downhill inclined plane, roughly 14-miles away to and Executive Comm., 1853-1906. ft.), Enola Realty Company / Ledgers, 1905-1932. These maps, bridge and structure drawings remains unprocessed. The final land reports are maintained with the Valuation Dockets and also separately. When an updated version becomes available you will be able to find it on ft.), Lehigh Valley Railroad / Statements of Additions and Betterments (GA-8), 1918-1929, 1931-1932. In 1998 a gentleman by the name ofAndre Kristopans put together a web page highlighting virtually every unit out-shopped by General Motors' Electro-Motive Division. important freight railroad until the more efficient Panther Creek The Valuable Papers are arranged numerically by file number, and are indexed by 27 rolls of 16 mm microfilm (roll #s RRV 1073-1099) in a variety of ways: alphabetically by personal or corporate name of parties, alphabeticaly by name of geographical location, and numerically by file number. (92 cu. Maps exist for nearly all of the major freight carrying railroads operating during the World War I time period, when total main line trackage reached its high-water mark of 254,000 miles. ft.), Clearfield and Jefferson Railway / Annual Reports, 1886-1888. title: MCEO Railroad Valuation Maps. (.02 cu. ft.), PRR / Secretary / Histories of Various Companies, ca 1934-1965. Some lines were subsequently abandoned and even dismantled long before the expiration date came up. ft.), Lehigh Valley Railroad / Abstract and Opinion of the Acts of the Legislature and Casesin reference to the Title of the North Branch Division of the Penna. (1 cu. (.1 cu. (.1 cu. Pennsylvania Nearly 1000 files of Land Valuation Maps, track profiles and more. The section of railroad had once been owned by the Boston & Maine Railroad but 2/3 of it had been turned over to the Canadian Pacific later in life. ft.), Berkshire Land Company / Cash Book, 1945-1953. ), Station 2422+00 to Station 2472+80 Print Version Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP91 12-31-1955p.pdf) 5.725MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, T7N R1W (City of Uhrichsville) Milepost 92, V.1 Ohio/50, Station 2472+80 to Station 2525+60 Revised 12-31-1942 (PRR PH Val Map MP92 12-31-1942.pdf) 4.31MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, T7N R1W (City of Uhrichsville) Milepost 92, V.1 Ohio/50, Station 2472+80 to Station 2525+60 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP92 12-31-1955.pdf) 4.23MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, T7N R1W (City of Uhrichsville) Milepost 92, V.1 Ohio/50, Station 2472+80 to Station 2525+60 Print Version Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP92 12-31-1955p.pdf) 3.701MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, T7N R1W (Mill & Warwick Townships), Milepost 93 V.1 Ohio/51, Station 2525+60 to Station 2578+40 Print Version Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP93 12-31-1955p.pdf) 2.751MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, Royal Southern Branch Line, Tuscarawas County, T7N R1W V.1 Ohio/50.1, Station 0+00 to Station 52+80 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR RSB Val Map 1 12-31-1955.pdf) 4.243MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, Mill Township, T7N R1W V.1 Ohio/50.2, Station 52+80 to Station 105+60 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR Valuation Maps/PRR RSB Val Map 2 12-31-1955.pdf) 4.168MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, Pittsburgh, Youngstown & Ashtabula Rwy, Erie & Ashtabula Division, Alliance Branch, Alliance Jct., Smith Township T18N, R5W MP 99 V.6 Sheet 1 Station 1+36.2 to Station 52+80 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S1 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 7.271MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S1 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 3.551MB, Smith Township T18N, R5W MP 98 V.6 Sheet 2 Station 52+80 to Station 105+60 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S2 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.919MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S2 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 3.95MB, Smith Township T18N, R5W MP 97 V.6 Sheet 3 Station 105+60 to Station 158+40 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S3 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.288MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S3 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 3.305MB, Snodes Station, Smith Township T18N, R5W MP 96 V.6 Sheet 4 Station 158+40 to Station 211+20 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S4 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.447MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S4 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 4.341MB, Smith Township T18N, R5W MP 95 V.6 Sheet 5 Station 211+20 to Station 264+00 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S5 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.149MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S5 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 4.382MB, Goshen Township/Smith Township MP 94 V.6 Sheet 6 Station 264+00 to Station 316+80 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S6 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.176MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S6 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 3.588MB, Berlin Township/Goshen Township MP 93 V.6 Sheet 7 Station 316+80 to Station 369+60 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S7 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.088MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S7 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 3.315MB, Berlin Township T1N, R5W MP 92 V.6 Sheet 8 Station 369+60 to Station 422+40 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S8 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 7.331MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S8 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 4.107MB, Berlin Centre Station, Berlin Township T1N, R5W MP 91 V.6 Sheet 9 Station 422+40 to Station 475+20 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S9 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.919MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S9 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 2.972MB, Berlin Township T1N, R5W MP 90 V.6 Sheet 10 Station 475+20 to Station 528+00 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S10 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.462MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S10 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 3.344MB, Ellsworth Township/Berlin Township MP 89 V.6 Sheet 11 Station 528+00 to Station 580+80 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S11 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.7MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S11 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 2.609MB, Ellsworth Station, Ellsworth Township T1N, R4W MP 88 V.6 Sheet 12 Station 580+80 to Station 633+60 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S12 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.912MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S12 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 3.421MB, Ellsworth Township T1N, R4W MP 87 V.6 Sheet 13 Station 633+60 to Station 686+40 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S13 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.224MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S13 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 2.557MB, Rosemont Station, Jackson Township/Ellsworth Township MP 86 V.6 Sheet 14 Station 686+40 to Station 739+20 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S14 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.134MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S14 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 2.797MB, Jackson Township T2N, R4W MP 85 V.6 Sheet 15 Station 739+20 to Station 792+00 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S15 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.102MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S15 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 2.948MB, Jackson Township T2N, R4W MP 84 V.6 Sheet 16 Station 792+00 to Station 844+80 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S16 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 5.96MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S16 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 2.506MB, North Jackson Station, Jackson Township T2N, R4W MP 83 V.6 Sheet 17 Station 844+80 to Station 897+60 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S17 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.273MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S17 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 2.92MB, Jackson Township T2N, R4W MP 82 V.6 Sheet 18 Station 897+60 to Station 950+40 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S18 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.671MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S18 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 3.101MB, Jackson Township T2N, R4W MP 81 V.6 Sheet 19 Station 950+40 to Station 1003+20 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S19 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.954MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S19 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 3.703MB, Lordstown Station, Lordstown Township/Jackson Township MP 80 V.6 Sheet 20 Station 1003+20 to Station 1056+00 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S20 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 7.116MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S20 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 3.245MB, Lordstown Township T3N, R4W MP 79 V.6 Sheet 21 Station 1056+00 to Station 1108+80 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S21 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.035MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S21 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 2.907MB, Lordstown Township T3N, R4W MP 78 V.6 Sheet 22 Station 1108+80 to Station 1161+60 Revised 12-31-1955, Color (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S22 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf) 6.24MB Inverted Grayscale (PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S22 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf) 2.983MB, Philadelphia, Baltimore & Washington RR (Panhandle Line), Monroe Township, T14N R7W, Milepost 86, V.1 Ohio/44, Station 2161+49 to Station 2214+04 Revised 12-31-1961 (PRR PH Val Map MP86 12-31-1961.pdf) 4.997MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, Union Township & Monroe Township, Milepost 87, V.1 Ohio/45, Station 2214+04 to Station 2266+84 (PRR PH Val Map MP87 12-31-1961.pdf) 4.958MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, PRR PH Val Map MP67 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP68 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP69 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP70 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP71 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP72 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP73 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP74 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP75 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP76 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP77 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP78 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP79 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP80 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP81 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP82 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP83 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP84 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP85 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP86 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP87 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP88 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP89 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP90 12-31-1955p.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP91 12-31-1955p.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP92 12-31-1942.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP92 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP92 12-31-1955p.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP93 12-31-1955p.pdf, PRR Valuation Maps/PRR RSB Val Map 2 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S1 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S1 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S2 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S2 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S3 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S3 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S4 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S4 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S5 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S5 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S6 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S6 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S7 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S8 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S9 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S10 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S10 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S11 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S12 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S13 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S14 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S15 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S16 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S17 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S17 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S18 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S19 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S19 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S20 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S21 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S22 Rev 12-31-1955.pdf, PRR PY&A Alliance Br V.6 S22 Rev 12-31-1955gs.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP86 12-31-1961.pdf, PRR PH Val Map MP87 12-31-1961.pdf. of F. Thomson and A.J. (.1 cu. Central Railroad of New Jersey. (2 cu. Land Appraisal Field Notes: Notes compiled by the ICC to determine the current value of land adjacent to railroad right-of-ways. The Pennsylvania Railroad collection, held by the Archives Service Center, includes 345 (nearly all of which are 8x10 in size) gelatin dry plate images of railroad infrastructure dating from 1907-1917. Pennsylvania railroads date back to 1827 when the Mauch Chunk Switchback Any of the State Archives aerial photograph collections, including: images for these and other years available online via the, MG-286 Hollyman Publicity Photographs, ca 1940-1959. at 110 mph and has trimmed travel time between Philly and Harrisburg to Historical Railroad Maps & Files The Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum is pleased to share with you a number of historical railroad maps and files. Scanning of Delaware val maps is complete. ft.), Philadelphia and Erie Railroad / Record of Track Material Loaned for Construction of Lumber Branches, 1895-1906. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. This station was on the east side of Kerrsville Road on the north side of the tracks (GPS: 40.185588, -77.320393). (.01 cu. To the west, components of the Baltimore & Ohio's subsidiaries Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh and Buffalo & Susquehanna have been removed. [email] [/email] I initiated a request for some ROW maps day before yesterday, and after a little back-and-forth clarifying my area of interest I received them via email first thing this morning. Train Cars and Work Equip. "Roadway Map Volume 26 Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad," main line between Ivanhoe, IN, and Franklin . These drawings, officially labeled "Right of Way and Track Map", but commonly referred to as "Valuation Maps", show all of the . {#31.18}, MG-416 Aero Service Corporation Photographs, MG-425 Ebasco Environmental Company Aerial Photographs, Baldwin Locomotive Works, Other Record Holders, PHMC Collections Management Policy Standards, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Access Policy, Erie Railroad and the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, Bangor & Portland Division, including Martins Creek Branch, Limestone Spur, Wind Gap Branch, Atlantic BranchandBangor Branch, Valuation orders and related records, 1914-1934. The following PDF files were generated from a valuation map tracking and processing database maintained offline for multiple railroads. ft.), Leechburg Company / Minute Books, 1937-1954. Railway map of the state of Pennsylvania, 1872. Someone in either of those two offices or perhaps in the County Planning Commission Office might also know the general status of the different rail lines in the county -i.e. ft.), PRR / Secretary / Minute Books of the Real Estate Committee, 1869-1918. (29 cu. (.1 cu. Paper or digital copies of the items on the list can then be ordered. ft.), PRR / VP of Real Estate & Taxation / Reports on Coal and Coal Mines, 1861-1864. miscellaneous additional maps from other sources. ft.), Pennsylvania and Midland Railroad / Court Proceedings, 1895-1899. (.1 cu. It is difficult to truly articulate just how much material can be found at this website. Land and appraisal records, 1921-48 (in New York). began in January of 1827, the line was open for business by May 5th the Incorporated in 1887 as the Western New York and Pennsylvania Railroad from the reorganization of the Buffalo, New York, and Philadelphia, [1] and reorganized in 1895 as the Western New York and Pennsylvania Railway, it was acquired and leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad in 1900 [2] [3] and merged into the Penndel Company in 1955. (.1 cu. Finally, one very generous soul surfaced and said that he had what I needed. The PRRT&HS Valuation Map Collection includes: Maps listed in the indexes have been scanned and are available for purchase from the PRRT&HS. ft.), PRR / Secretary / One Hundredth Anniversary Historical Files, ca 1876-1946. Electric railway map of Pennsylvania. (1 cu. Paper copies are available for $75 per page. ft.), PRR / President / Subject Index to Presidential Corr. (5.6 cu. Once completed, the railroad was extended to as far as Mahaffey Junction. ft.), Susquehanna Coal Company / Minute Books, 1869-1940. railroad archivist. While researchers are welcome to come in and browse through the hundreds of boxes of rolled maps and drawings, Archives staff is not able to do research for non-visiting patrons in this series. Interestingly, the Minneapolis & St. Louis had once also taken an interest in the TP&W after Ben Heineman took control of that road through a proxy fight in 1954. In the background is another westbound freight approaching. Oddly, none of the B&M track profiles could be found for the CP section so I sent out feelers. This index should be a close to a complete list of valuation sheet numbers actually drawn for the Pennsylvania Railroad owned properties in this state. (.25 cu. And the County Tax Assessment Office would have current information as to ownership of each geographic parcel if that is in question. Just type in a town or city and click on the timeline of maps at the bottom of the page! an incomplete set of aproximately 10,000 PRR linens (black ink on tracing cloth) stored flat in hanging folders contained in 4 large metal bins. Geographic locations were identified using copies of valuation survey maps from the Pennsylvania State Archives. ft.), Johnsonburg Railroad / Annual Reports to the Auditor General of Pennsylvania, 1895-1896. The Boston and Albany Railroad was formed between 1867 and 1870 from the merger of three existing lines, the Boston and Worcester (chartered 1831), the Western (1833), and the Castleton and West Stockbridge (1834). ft.), PRR / Secretary / Board Files: Green Sheet Leases, 1926-1957. ft.), Wilcox Railroad Annual Reports to the Auditor General of Pennsylvania, 1895-1896. Title: New York Central Railroad Valuation Negatives Date: 1914-1923 Identifier: NMAH.AC.1072 Source: National Museum of American History (U.S.). As coal demand increased it upgraded to a steam funicular system in 1846. ArcGIS Online Item Details. Keystone State offers it all and much, much more! Microfilm reels for Series I are located in boxes 242 (reels 1-56), 243 (reels 57-70), and 244 (reels 71-83). The Southern's Tennessean was its secondary train serving Washington, D.C.-Memphis beginning service in 1941. 90 minutes (which used to take two hours). Ken Von Stueben photo. Scanning of New Jersey val maps is complete. Railroad Maps - A guide to series in the State Archives State Road and Turnpike Maps - Record Group 12, with maps from 1706 to 1873 Traffic and Legislative Route Maps - Sixty-seven maps from the Bureau of Strategic Planning of the Department of Transportation, Record Group 52. Theses were referred to as "repro" (reproduction) files, stored here when an updated linen was made. (.53 cu. Records vary as to scope and nature, including pipe and wire, trackage and crossing rights, real estate, physical facilities, financial obligations, operations with affiliated companies, governmental authorizations, purchases, and so forth. ft.), PRR / VP of Real Estate / Minute Books of the Road Committee, 1847-1948. Railroad Map Series at PA State Archives The following are the primary series of railroad map records that are processed and readily available for use: Erie Railroad and the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad Lehigh and New England Railroad Lehigh Valley Railroad Pennsylvania Railroad Pennsylvania Railroad Archives - Valuation Maps, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Cincinnati & St. Louis RR, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Cincinnati & St. Louis RR (Panhandle Line), German Township, T10N R4W, Milepost 67, Station 1156+00 to Station 1206+80 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP67 12-31-1955.pdf) 3.850MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, T10N R4W, Milepost 68, Station 1208+80 to Station 1261+60 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP68 12-31-1955.pdf) 3.873MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, Rumley Township, Milepost 69, V.1 Ohio/27, Station 1261+60 to Station 1314+40 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP69 12-31-1955.pdf) 4.023MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, T11N R5W, Milepost 70, V.1 Ohio/28, Station 1314+40 to Station 1367+20 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP70 12-31-1955.pdf) 4.046MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, T11N R5W, Milepost 71, V.1 Ohio/29, Station 1367+20 to Station 1420+00 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP71 12-31-1955.pdf) 3.9MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, T11N R5W, Milepost 72, V.1 Ohio/30, Station 1420+00 to Station 1472+80 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP72 12-31-1955.pdf) 3.901MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, Rumley Township, T11N R5W, Milepost 73, V.1 Ohio/31, Station 1472+80 to Station 1525+60 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP73 12-31-1955.pdf) 4.124MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, Milepost 74, V.1 Ohio/32, Station 1525+60 to Station 1578+40 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP74 12-31-1955.pdf) 4.182MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, North Township, T12N R5W, Milepost 75, V.1 Ohio/33, Station 1578+40 to Station 1631+20 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP75 12-31-1955.pdf) 4.115MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, North Township, Milepost 76, V.1 Ohio/34, Station 1631+20 to Station 1684+00 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP76 12-31-1955.pdf) 4.236MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, North Township, T13N R6W, Milespost 77, V.1 Ohio/35, Station 1684+00 to Station 1737+39 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP77 12-31-1955.pdf) 3.951MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, North Township, T13N R6W, Milepost 78, V.1 Ohio/36, Station 1737+39 to Station 1790+59 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP78 12-31-1955.pdf) 3.998MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, North Township, T13N R6W, Milepost 79, V.1 Ohio/37, Station 1790+59 to Station 1843+45 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP79 12-31-1955.pdf) 3.936MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, T13N R6W, Milepost 80, V.1 Ohio/38, Station 1843+45 to Station 1896+25 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP80 12-31-1955.pdf) 3.666MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, Monroe Township, T13N R6W, Milepost 81, V.1 Ohio/39, Station 1896+25 to Station 1950+27 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP81 12-31-1955.pdf) 4MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, T13N R6W, Milepost 82, V.1 Ohio/40, Station 1950+27 to Station 2003+07 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP82 12-31-1955.pdf) 4.02MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, Monroe Township, Milepost 83, V.1 Ohio/41, Station 2003+07 to Station 2055+87 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP83 12-31-1955.pdf) 3.842MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, Monroe Township, T14N R7W, Milepost 84, V.1 Ohio/42, Station 2055+87 to Station 2108+69 (PRR PH Val Map MP84 12-31-1955.pdf) 3.97MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, Monroe Township, T14N R7W, Milepost 85, V.1 Ohio/43, Station 2108+69 to Station 2161+49 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP85 12-31-1955.pdf) 3.897MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, Monroe Township, T14N R7W, Milepost 86, V.1 Ohio/44, Station 2161+49 to Station 2214+04 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP86 12-31-1955.pdf) 3.639MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, Main Line, Tuscarawas & Harrison Counties, Union Township & Monroe Township, Milepost 87, V.1 Ohio/45, Station 2214+04 to Station 2266+84 (PRR PH Val Map MP87 12-31-1955.pdf) 3.945MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, Union Township, T14N R7W, Milepost 88, V.1 Ohio/46, Station 2266+84 to Station 2322+485 Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP88 12-31-1955.pdf) 4.006MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, Union Township, T14N R7W, Milepost 89, V.1 Ohio/47 + V.1a Ohio/47, Station 2322+485 to Station 2375+285 (PRR PH Val Map MP89 12-31-1955.pdf) 4.006MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, T14N R7W (Union & Mill Townships, Village of Dennison), Milepost 90, V.1 Ohio/48 + V.1a Ohio/48, Station 2375+285 to Station 2422+00 Print Version Revised 12-31-1955 (PRR PH Val Map MP90 12-31-1955p.pdf) 3.894MB Courtesy John Madoni Collection, (Village of Dennison) Milepost 91, V.1 Ohio/S.T. Textual Records: Valuation orders and related records, 1914-34. Patch Tunnel, now operated by CSX. ft.), PRR / Secretary / Pennsylvania Railroad and Long Island RR Directors' Inspection Trip Book, 1947. Annual Financial Report Forms: Annual reports submitted after the basic valuation of the railroads. ft.), Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad / Agreements, Leases and Mortgage, 1847-1886. (1 cu. Regular price $48.00 Conrail Engine Journal. The collection consists of an almost complete set of the 1915. (3 cu. The lists were constructed by doing word searches of the narrative series descriptions for the designated words: maps, tracks and real estate. (.2 cu. ft.), PRR / VP of Real Estate / General Correspondence Files of the St. Lawrence Power Project, 1948-1954. the Lehigh Canal in Mauch Chunk (today, known as Jim Thorpe). . It is an excellent resource with thousands of historic maps on file throughout the country. It remained an The railroad became the "Beech Creek Railroad Company" in 1886 but was then leased by the New York Central starting in 1890. Engineering Drawings, [ca.1886-1940 (bulk: 1915-1930)]{#311m.284} will be of interest. and density, as few other places can match it around the country save It was on the south side of Pine Road between Chruch Lane and Barnitz Road at approximately GPS: 40.121799, -77.222024. Another series relating to PRR real estate holdings, rights of way and agreements is the Valuable Papers File, [ca. ft.), PRR / Secretary / Guide for the PRR with Extensive Map Including the Entire Route, 1855. (.1 cu. Pennsylvania Railroad. ft.), Lehigh Valley Railroad / List of Roadway Completion Reports (BV 586), 1919-1927. (59 cu. They contain many engineering details such as the layout of track and the locations of buildings and bridges. commuter operations, live steam locomotives or even a stay at a bed Court Proceedings, 1895-1899 to Presidential Corr much more locations were identified using of... Samuel Rea, 1913-1925, Philadelphia and Erie Railroad / Statements of Additions and Betterments GA-8. Erie Railroad / list of Roadway Completion Reports ( BV 586 ), Susquehanna Coal /! A town or city and click on the timeline of maps at the bottom of the narrative descriptions...: 1914-1923 Identifier: NMAH.AC.1072 Source: National Museum of American History ( )! These maps, track profiles could be found at this website in a town or city click. / Court Proceedings, 1895-1899 are maintained with the Valuation Dockets and also separately Tennessean was its train... Baltimore Railroad / Agreements, Leases and Mortgage, 1847-1886 Railroad archivist and.. 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