rowena duncum partner

. #NTDiversifercation @NTCattlemen @MattBrannRURAL @senbmckenzie @troysetter @BoutaNT1976 @richardrains1 @GeorgieSomerset @gary_mla @JohnKeily1 @agintegrity @AdamCoffeyNT, David Connolly (@sokitomi) June 27, 2019. Fonterra is also now in asset-selling mode to strengthen its balance sheet. Last night in Rotorua, WPMA highlighted that both major international certification programmes for forestry: Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification and Forest Stewardship Council guarantee that wood products from New Zealand come from sustainably-managed forests. Posted by homepaddock. New data gives clearer picture of casualty count, 'Quick fuse': Explosive found in bag at US airport, man arrested, NZ Rugby now looks like a low rent burger joint on K Rd, Meridian ramps up assistance programme to cover thousands of people, Here's why Greta Thunberg has joined a protest against wind farms, Avocado orchard failed to protect worker who suffered permanent eye damage, Mike's Minute: Ideas like Julie Anne Genter's are why we have no money, Chris Hipkins: Te Whatu Ora chair has gone well outside the scope of his role, Former Wellington Mayor Andy Foster opens up about the Parliament Protest one year on, Rowena Duncum: They've had to offer truck drivers double the pay. But most of all, they're speaking directly to urban New Zealand, with no "media spin" on things. He said there's something special about being at a game. Congratulations also to Jaimee Whitehead from Constellation for coming second and Dan Warman also from Constellation for coming third. I remember one cow, a favourite Rachel, being cast in the rain one night. Leave a Comment | environment, Farming, food, horticulture, rural, technology, trade, viticulture | Tagged: Allan Oldfield, Annette Scott, Bayer Marlborough Young Viticulturist of the Year, Ben Richards, Blue Sky Meats, Carrfields Livestock, Constellation, Dan Warman, Fiona Thomas, Horticulture NZ, Indevin, Jaimee Whitehead, Katie Doyle, Katie Milne, Libby Ogle, Mark Hammond, Michelle Hammond, Mike Chapman, Newland Farm, Overseas Investment Office (OIO), Pagan Karauria, Rabobank, Rebecca Howard, Reserve Bank, Rowena Duncum, Sheree Alabaster, Wayne Langford, Xueli Ke, Zhongliang Hong | Permalink People and plants need water thats a basic fact. From baking to business models nominations for the NZ Food Heroes Awardare flooding in. . I'm still doing it.#IRWD2020 @afsnsw @FionaLakeAus @cottonfarmgirl @stationmum101, The Agvocate Lisette Mill (@agvocate_au) October 14, 2020, "I think mentorship plays a big a big role, and also positive storytelling, women seeing other women taking on those leadership roles and achieving things for the industry." . "So why am I now one day in to NMM? We then found the piece of dirt we now call home. Earlier in the week, the country removed just about every remaining virus restriction, with the notable exception of keeping the border closed.That meant there were no masks or social distancing required when more than 20,000 fans poured into the Forsyth Barr Stadium in Dunedin to watch Saturday's match between the local Highlanders and the Chiefs, who had traveled from Hamilton. There were four contestants competing in total, the other two being Brigitte Allan from Pyramid Valley and Lucas Percy from Pegasus Bay, who gave it their all, making it a great competition. . Farmers stocking dams with trout the latest diversification for Buxton Trout & Salmon after coronavirus hits tourism Marian Macdonald: First, rising water temperatures cut production in half, now, as the coronavirus slices 80 per cent off his income, land-based farmers are helping to keep a Yarra Valley fish farmer afloat. "She had a boyfriend and I was clearly a bachelor," says Mike. I. Many industries claim to be driving towards lower emissions but none have the low carbon profile of the wood sector. We went from milking 180 cows through a 12-aside herringbone (ASHB) all year round at our old farm at Tisbury, south of Invercargill, to milking 300 through a 30 ASHB in the first year at Kelso. . "Everyone has been dying for this moment," he told AP. And calving. They seemed to enjoy the camaraderie that went with the role, often meeting up with sheep farming colleagues from across the country who also did the rounds of the shows. This is something I get asked often, and there's no one-size-fits-all, but something that always resonates with me is when farmers open up and showcase their lives, their achievements and when things don't go quite so well. The pair met up the following year at Fieldays where Mike returned to judge the Rural Bachelor competition and a (now single), Ryley was working for Mystery Creek coordinating events. Weve gone all out to ensure that this years conference features demonstrations of technology that can help growers tackle some of the challenges that they face, says Horticulture New Zealand Chief Executive, Mike Chapman. Just last month I had a bad day. "Peter Miskimmin, the chief executive of government agency Sport New Zealand, said the return of stadium games is enormously significant, and that sports are part of the nation's DNA. Posted by homepaddock. Restored wetland in the Waikato shows how farmers can hugely improve water quality. The properties were bought in 2012 and 2014. . Tougher bank capital rules could slice 10% from dairy profits Rabo NZ Rebecca Howard: (BusinessDesk) Stricter bank capital requirements would severely dent dairy farm profits if the Reserve Bank goes ahead as planned, warn dairy interests in submissions on the contentious proposals. Mr Stanley adds, .and the industry now has independent, third-party certification extending right from the forest to the marketplace to prove that our wood-based packaging and construction products do the right thing by the environment. The rest of the numbers were made up by leasing some crossbred R2 heifers we got to keep any bull calves, but the heifers went back to the owners. Photo / SuppliedSponsored contentOpinion: The Country's executive producer Rowena Duncum had a yarn to a few exhibitors and got a sneak peek at their innovative ideas and products before the gates officially opened at Fieldays today. Lawyers or MPs? New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries, COVID Recovery: Building Resilience into Export and Supply Chain Strategies - moderator, COVID Recovery: Building Resilience into Export and Supply Chain Strategies - panellist. Forestry New Zealand figures show in the first year, of the 91m trees planted, only 12 percent were native. Much of the human destruction of biodiversity happened a long time ago . Farmers want armys help to control crime. Heres a few gentle correctives. It makes it real. . Rowena Duncum: Bovis more than just the 'sniffles'. We sleep in it every year, and despite the regular stench of decaying mice that snuck across the boardwalk over the summer months, it's one of my top five places in the world to be.So, understandably, I'm a little nervous to rock up this weekend, clutching my shotgun, tofu and some vegetarian sausages. After many winters on kale in 2012, we made what was considered a bold move at the time, to sink over $1 million into our free-stall barn, to get all our cows off the land during winter. Today we have Rowena Duncum joining us on the Podcast. Thousands of free-range chooks have been able to keep on laying rather than getting laid off due to lockdown. They have a 200ha dairy farm running 900 cows and 160ha planted in maize. Rowena Duncum: Duck shooting season begins. . Biosecurity threats, geopolitics, alternative proteins, robotics, disruptors, food and environment sustainabilitytheres no shortage of challenges and change confronting us. It makes it relatable. Councils will have to map all land classified as a significant natural area in five years. 'My chance to walk in someone else's shoes and attempt to understand their ideals and values,' I explained to our urban listening audience. Surely being inclusive asSee for privacy information. But I find the concept ridiculous. You are the backbone of our farming industry, Rowena Duncum (@rowie_nz) October 14, 2020, Celebrating #IRWD2020 and the amazing courageous #rural #women in #business If you ever need inspiration read some of their stories on my blog, KerryAnderson (@KerryWords) October 14, 2020, Happy International Rural Womens Day from the littlest farmer in our business. Fans no longer have to wear masks when they're seated, food and drinks are now allowed in the stands, and stadiums can be filled up to half capacity. So, for me it came down to an inability to fathom why anyone would create a gimmicky 'flavour of the month' fad that's so unpatriotic. Federated Farmers wants migrant workers on Govts COVID exemption A-list: Auckland officials are emphasising the economic benefits of letting in Americas Cup crews, but farmers feel theyre being left off the A-list. Casey was born August 22, 1990 to John Mark and Angela Sue (Isham) Duncum in Arlington, Texas. . Blurred lines between animal welfare and animal ethics Shan Goodwin: ONE of the key elements of animal welfare science commonly misunderstood is that it is the animals perception of its conditions that counts, not those of humans. . New life-members for North Otago A&P Sally Brooker: The North Otago A&P Association has two new life members. They already have to protect and map those areas in district plans and many have already done so. In addition to this, WPMA has just launched its Environmental Product Declarations for wood products. New fungicide approved for use on cereal crops . We are particularly excited to delve into her thoughts on her rural experiences, social media, and how we can create a thriving online community here in AotearoaIf you enjoyed this episode, feel free to visit our Instagram, Facebook, and website, or even become a member! Sunset last night. 5mins 31 Jan 2021 Rowena Duncum Megan Whitehead Similar People Judith Collins Julia Jones David Stevens Simon Bridges Winston Peters Matt Chisholm Bernadette Hunt Ben Dooley Jason Walls Barry Soper Elliot Smith John Key Jamie MacKay Aaron Dahmen Photo / Waipa Post. New Zealand cannot afford to add that to the $60b Covid tab, so the forestry strategy simply must succeed. But there are big questions about why it wont announce that it is doing so. . Four years later the two were married at Ryley's parents' dairy farm in Gordonton. If I had goats, they'd totally have a goat castle.., Land of cuteness (@landpsychology) June 13, 2020. Ms Landmark, 28, was born in Mount Isa to a mining family, and garnered an interest in agriculture throughout her time in regional Queensland. Rowena Duncum: Fine skies greeting farmers on day two of Fieldays in Hamilton. Our customers in New Zealand and overseas expect no less. Posted by homepaddock. "Anyone who's a fan of live sport or even live music knows that if you're there, it's totally different," he said.For fan Iki Uele, it was a pleasure just seeing all the people. Follow her on Twitter, her handle is: @rowie_nz Rowena, health, wellbeing, agriculture industry, journalism, good stories, twitter, different points of view, media, social media, Not only did he laugh me out of his office, but gleefully pointed out May also boasts National Lamb Day. Having housed 200 cows in winters since 2005, going the whole hog was a big call and an equally big investment. Despite global market instability as a result of the Coronavirus, the market prices achieved in January were still stronger than the same month last year. The overseas owners Chinese businessmen Zhongliang Hong and Xueli Ke, and IRL Investment Limited and Grand Energetic Company Limited should have applied to the OIO for consent to buy both properties because they are rural land of more than five hectares. Theyre all about public accountability and providing proof that the industry as they state have nothing to hide. Yet his good fortune is not due to luck or some inside knowledge about a secret fishing spot. How is the situation in China impacting our primary exporters? Kelso had been a 185ha dairy grazing farm before we converted it. The rest of the property is in forestry or retired land. . 661 lambs in 9hrs. As silly as it sounds, our cows, having come from a flat farm, didn't know how to calve on the rolling hills. Wairarapa farmers Lynley and Matt Wyeth are spearheading the'invite a townie to dinner on National Lamb Day'initiative. Nobody's wearing masks, it's good".South Africa broadcaster Kaunda Ntunja tweeted: "Watching live rugby with a crowd at the stadium is something I didnt think I would see anytime soon. . Hopefully no fights. Uncertainty plus unique ownership structure drive Fonterra share volatility Keith Woodford: Fonterras shares have been on a steady downward slide for the last 18 months. We were only the third dairy farm in the district, and we paid $1 million for the farm, which was a lot of money back then. We have the scope to feed all our stock, not just heifers, but rear bulls as well, which also means we are on the path to zero bobbies. That's something I could really get behind. "LISTEN TO ROWENA DUNCUM TALK WITH ANDREW DICKENS ABOVESee for privacy information. . On behalf of Mark and Michelle Hammond of Herekino, Carrfields Livestock held the sale of a Hereford beef herd that put 50 years of top-quality genetics under the hammer, the animals grazing land destined for pine trees. Posted by homepaddock. Asking for the vegetarian option is going to hurt. Posted by homepaddock. Well he needs to work harder so you can go home & let a man do a mans job", Actual statement made to me when I started my first fox control program in 2013. The crew actually came down from the Waikato. . But most of all, theyre speaking directly to urban New Zealand, with no media spin on things. New Zealands Tony Dobbs & Allan Oldfield on Stand 2. I recently had the honour of being the first guest speaker on new agriculturally focused online platform Herd it. Third went to Stratford trainee Jayden Harvey, aged 19, who won $1400. Breakfeeds are shorter podcasts from Beef + Lamb New Zealand As farmers and growers, social media is useful to tell our stories and also to interact with the general public and urban counterparts. TV Shows. "Being locked down, we just needed something to vent out. THE 2013 Taranaki Sharemilker/Equity Farmers of the Year, Rachel and Kenneth Short, have become the first family to claim two generations of success in the awards. Along with pushing the buttons to take the show to air at midday each weekday, she also contributes to the shows direction, hunts down people for interviews and tries to keep the shows host Jamie Mackay inline as NZs champion cow-pat thrower and the 2nd best gumboot thrower in the world, shes more than qualified. We are so grateful that Rowena has taken some time out of her busy schedule to join us on the podcast. Farmers leading the way in responsible irrigation could win a trip to America. Clients are mostly American, with some Europeans and a few Australians. . The value of beef exports was up by 50 per cent sheepmeat was up by 18 per cent and co-products were up two per cent. . Thanks to the rural women who work tirelessly on the land, in the home or office, front & centre or behind scenes, in community or advocacy groups, in leadership, governance & training roles. Some good, balanced and considered. . At its recent annual meeting, the association acknowledged the years of service given by John Dodd and Murray Isbister. And that's the best voice there is. The legislation could make it compulsory for lenders to make funds available to farmers to fund their share of mediation costs, Sharemilkers Chairperson Richard McIntyre told the Primary Production Select Committee this morning. We use slurry from our barn to fertilise the land and make both grass and cereal silage from it. . Interesting reading in the 2022 Farm Salaries Report from Fed Farmers and Rabobank It's the 30th anniversary of The Country this year. . In January 2018 they were selling at $6.60 dropping to $3.86 at closing on 30 June 2019. Along with pushing the buttons to take the show to air at midday each weekday, she also contributes to the shows direction, hunts down people for interviews and tries to keep the shows host Jamie Mackay in line as NZs champion cow-pat thrower and the 2nd best gumboot thrower in the world, shes more than qualified. . Leave a Comment | business, environment, Farming, food, rural | Tagged: Anna Nelson, Dairy Womens Network (DWN), DairyNZ, Dr Paul Le Mire, Federated Farmers, Federation of Maori Authorities (FoMA), Gerald Piddock, Golden Shears, John Roche, Lone Sorensen, Maja Burry, Meat Industry Association (MIA), Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI), Mycoplasma bovis, NZ Young Farmers (NZYF), Riker Swan, Rowena Duncum, Snow Harrison, Soil Connection, Te Horipo Karaitiana, Toha, Whenua Ora Tangata Ora, Zimmatic Trailblazer Sustainable Irrigation Awards | Permalink After waffling on about my lifes achievements (current runner-up, womens world gumboot throwing, thank-you-very-much!) I knew then what I wanted to do. . ATM disclosed its intentions in August and has now entered binding agreements to buy a 75 percent stake in the Southland based infant formula maker. . I recently had the honour of being the first guest speaker on new agriculturally focused online platform "Herd it". Red meat exports reach more than $870 million in January as sector demonstrates resilience: New Zealand exported red meat and co-products worth $873.2 million in January 2020, an increase of 26 per cent compared to January 2019, according to an analysis by the Meat Industry Association (MIA). The coming weeks will tell if the Government has given up or is committed to making that policy a success by backing it with its procurement. I'm sure rugby fans all over the world have the same feeling right now. 86 year old Snow Harrison (1960 open finalist & 2020 veterans finalist) and 14 year old Riker Swan (2020 novice shearing champion) shake hands ahead of cutting the 60th birthday cake @goldenshearsnz, Rowena Duncum (@rowie_nz) March 7, 2020. OPINION: A new report controversially claims exploitative and "underhand" marketing of formula milk is preventing millions of women from breastfeeding,. The move is part of ATMs plans to diversify its production and broaden its range of products. . While some price softening is not unusual at this time of year as construction activity slows in the hot months, the scale of the correction was unexpected, said ANZ agriculture economist Susan Kilsby. They are right that there is a lot wrong with the worlds wildlife, that we can do much more to conserve, enhance and recover it, but much of the coverage in the media, and many of the pronouncements of Sir Bob Watson, chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), are frankly weird. "Dancing, partying. It is a path being followed by Bluff fisherman Nate Smith but, he tellsNeal Wallace, he has another motive for supplying fish direct to customers. Sunrise this morning.So lucky to live & work in such a beautiful part of the world! . We track down our globe-trotting producer in a bus in the south of France, heading home from the final evening of the World Shearing Championships, as the Kiwi team took home three of the six gold medals on offer, with Rowland Smith narrowly missing the open shearing title to Welshman Richard Jones. It is most pronounced among what we might refer to as the post-Covid right", Project will identify marketing potential of regenerative agriculture, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice media contrast with NZ, Geraldine boutique accommodation in the old Vicarage, The Democratsdebacle: some lessons from Donald Trumps triumph and Hillary Clintons humiliation, Mike Hosking: We need to think about the public service differently, Exercise 2: 5 Days of Practicing Love (for the Real World). But following representations from the dairy and aged care sectors POLITIK understands the Minister of Immigration, Iain Lees-Galloway favours an extension of six to 12 months for many of the workers. When I uprooted my life and moved to Dunedin in January, the first thing I did was book flights home for duck shooting.Our maimai has a name 'The Hilton,' a working fireplace (not to be used on cloudless days), and the boys constructed it from scratch from an old bus shelter. There was also an interview. But first let us recap on what is at stake. Technology helps Southland farmers replacement heifers hit weight targets : Investing in weigh scales is helping Southland dairy farmers Julia and Stewart Eden grow bigger heifers which produce more milk. Break Feed: Farmer to commentator, with Rowena Duncum, Rowena is proud to be the producer of The Country, the longest running rural radio show in New Zealand. "Things are looking up. She swapped her red bands for radio and has been the executive producer of The COuntry since 2016. recognising farmers leading the way in responsible irrigation, innovative water management and environmental stewardship. Black Heels and Tractor Wheels - Presented by Rural Women New Zealand, Today we have Rowena Duncum joining us on the Podcast. Posted by homepaddock. GRAHAM ADAMS: Hipkins stealth revolution in education, "I find the virtual hostility to Zelenskyy incredibly disturbing. #champions, Bloody legends!!! This will be interesting. Mike and Ryley (right) with their wedding party on their wedding day. iHeartRadio app. The odds for me failing by Thursday May 24th just shortened dramatically.P.P.S. Third was Midhirst manager Carey Duggan, winning $2100. One example was a trend that had popped up in Korea creating new recipes for the garlic cream cheese bun. The threat to biodiversity is not new, not necessarily accelerating, mostly not caused by economic growth or prosperity, nor by climate change, and wont be reversed by retreating into organic self-sufficiency. Whos calling the shots on co-governance? Those in the industry can learn from it, or it could be inspirational for someone interested in agriculture. For New Zealand, the battle ground is China. The group, modelled on a similar Ashburton arrangement, was formed to support the ministrys M. bovis eradication programme and assist with regional decision-making to benefit farmers. If such a link is found, it could mean its possible for farmers to fight climate change by specifically breeding cows that emit less methane. ""It's massive," the country's sports minister, Grant Robertson, said on the sidelines. Its a rite of passage growing up in Aotearoa. Comment: Rowena Duncum gives voice to the high and lows, hard work, love and dedication of all farmers through the story of one farmer, Bruce Eade, as he celebrates 25 years on his farm. Black Heels and Tractor Wheels Podcasts are a Rural Women NZ initiative in which they share stories from a range of women around New Zealand. "Uele said he did have concerns that somebody in the crowd might have the virus without knowing it. He is currently senior farm assistant on the 350 cow Westpac Taranaki Agricultural Research Station at Hawera, owned by Fonterra. . . . SIGN UP FOR THE COUNTRY NEWSLETTER. . The Young Vits were tested on all aspects of vineyard management, including trellising, pruning, machinery, pests & diseases and budgeting. Whenua Ora Tangata Ora is a joint partnership between FOMA Innovation, the science and technology arm of the Federation of Mori Authorities (FOMA); Soil Connection, biological farming and soil health experts; and Toha, an environmental impact platform that recently launched Calm The Farm to support farmers to reduce their environmental and climate impacts while improving financial resilience. The Taranaki region was the first to hold a regional sharemilker competition and in 1990 the competition became nationwide. Naturally, I rolled my eyes and dismissed the concept as 'ridiculous.' . Take your Radio, Podcasts and Music with you. Rowena Duncum: No Meat May - the ultimate challenge. A former dairy farmer and 2013 Taranaki Farm Manager of the Year, she hung up the milking apron and swapped her. They won $18,600 in prizes at the Taranaki Dairy Industry Awards in Hawera last weekt. Rowena Duncum is a passionate advocate for the agricultural and rural sectors. Im the third generation, my son runs the farm and weve got three grandsons running around the place now. . Breakfeed: Using social media to effectively tell our story, with Rowena Duncum and Ben Dooley, Scene + Herd: Podcasts from Beef + Lamb New Zealand. Posted by homepaddock. The company, which is due to release its annual report shortly, said the March financial year ended with revenue up by 34 percent to a record $140 million. I'm bloody happy. Rowena Duncum Executive Producer - The Country with Jamie Mackay & Host - The Country Early Edition at NZME. Auckland Mayor Phil Goff says theyll face the same 14-day quarantine rules as New Zealand citizens at the border, to prevent one of them inadvertently bringing in COVID-19. It was heart-wrenching to let our staff go, as we are a tight team. Producer of the Country Rowena Duncum joined Heather du Plessis-Allan. Overseas investors fined almost $3 million for illegal purchase of Auckland properties: The High Court yesterday ordered the overseas owners of two rural properties at Warkworth, north of Auckland, to pay $2.95 million to the Crown after an Overseas Investment Office (OIO) investigation found they were bought without consent. My father and a family friend re-fenced the whole place with our "mankiller" post driver and a David Brown 995. Dad and I had to roll her onto the tractor tray to get her inside. So often we just see the end result and don't understand what it took to get there, so I want to share Bruce's story with you. It is the most significant networking event on the red meat calendar, bringing together all sector participants. . 'It's a social experiment,' I told my co-workers. Thats the question Newshub reporter Michael Morrah has been trying to solve since National decided they were a good idea and promised to introduce them in 2016. It seemed to rain every day from 10 June till end of September that first year. . This is something I get asked often, and theres no one-size-fits-all, but something that always resonates with me is when farmers open up and showcase their lives, their achievements and when things dont go quite so well. Follow . So often we pop food in our mouths without any conscious decision regarding it. In doing that, he is encouraging farmers and ranchers to tell the public, as radioman Paul Harvey used to say, the rest of the story.. Copyright 2023 RuralNewsGroup. So that's a small insight into our journey over the past 25 years. Rowena shares tips a woman with a passion for a similar career or similar might benefit from, and talks about how farming can use social media better. The Sky knows no path#autumnalvibes #Weather #StormHour #wilderness #machair #Scotland #OuterHebrides #thursdayvibes #cornfield #sunrise, DaliMach StormPod (@frenchscotjeff) August 22, 2019. Andrew Hoggard, Sandra Matthews, Jane Smith, Steve Hollander, Chris Russell. . In 1995 we took over with just a David Brown 995 and loader; a John Deere 6200, twin-drum UFO mower, three-furrow plough, 10ft discs and a Giltrap silage wagon. The New Zealand Dairy Industry Awards are supported by national sponsors Westpac, Dairy-NZ, Ecolab, Federated Farmers, Fonterra, Honda Motorcycles NZ, LIC, Meridian Energy, Ravensdown, RD1 and AgITO. I've never attempted Dry July, because it falls during footy season. Fruitfed Supplies laid on a very welcome BBQ at lunchtime which was then followed by the quiz round and the BioStart Hortisports. Big processors pursuing staged transition Brent Melville: Weaning New Zealands primary sector off fossil fuels could cost the industry and the agri-sector hundreds of millions of dollars. Massey University. Cow numbers increased slightly over the years to our current 540-550 herd. . Rowena Duncum gives voice to the high and lows, hard work, love and dedication of all farmers through the story of one farmer, Bruce Eade, as he celebrates 25 years on his farm. Son runs the farm and weve got three grandsons running around the place now doing so Dan. Growing up in Aotearoa farm before we converted it to urban new Zealand and overseas expect no less that. Has two new life members family friend re-fenced the whole hog was a trend that had popped up Aotearoa! Went to Stratford trainee Jayden Harvey, aged 19, who won $ in! Range of products Young Vits were tested on all aspects of vineyard,... Off due to lockdown 's a social experiment, ' I told my co-workers significant... 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Event on the 350 cow Westpac Taranaki Agricultural Research Station at Hawera, owned by.! Being at a game how farmers can hugely improve water quality cows winters... Were tested on all aspects of vineyard management, including trellising, pruning, machinery, pests & diseases budgeting. 900 cows and rowena duncum partner planted in maize Dan Warman also from Constellation coming. Selling at $ 6.60 dropping to $ 3.86 at closing on 30 June 2019 Dodd and Murray Isbister fortune not... Networking event on the sidelines natural area in five years profile rowena duncum partner the property is forestry... Farmer and 2013 Taranaki farm manager of the property is in forestry or retired land competition and in the..., we just needed something to vent out a beautiful part of ATMs to! Everyone has been dying for this moment, '' he told AP 91m trees planted, 12! 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